Deuteronomy 9:1-11:32
Once in the Promised Land, Israel would be tempted to boast that they had somehow earned the blessings they were experiencing. Moses warns the people against such boasting, reminding them of the ways they have sinned. If they deserve anything, it’s God’s judgement. The land, then, is given by grace. They receive blessing not because of their righteousness, but in spite of their unrighteousness.
We are no different. Once dead in our sin, we are now blessed through Christ – it is by grace alone that we are saved. God has shown us extravagant grace. And the only right response to his grace is wholehearted love and obedience.
May we never forget that our experience of God’s extravagant blessings has nothing to do with our righteousness and everything to do with God’s grace, and may that grace, lavished upon us, lead us to love and obey our God.