Sermons from December 2024

Sermons from December 2024

Why Gain the World?

Luke 9:21-26 This Sunday morning, Pastor Karl reflects on the question, “Why gain the world?” He discusses Jesus’ mission to die and rise again, emphasizing that true life comes through self-denial and losing our life for His sake. Pastor Karl challenges us to consider what we are willing to forfeit in pursuit of the world and reminds us that gaining everything is meaningless if we lose our soul. He encourages us to trust in Christ, who has conquered death and…

The message of Christmas

Luke 2:10-11 This Christmas day we celebrate the birth of our Saviour. Pastor Michael shares with us from Luke on the message of Christmas, that Christ came into the world to save sinners.

The Greatest Gift

Isaiah 9:1-7 This Sunday morning, Pastor Karl exhorts us from the book of Isaiah to reflect on the Greatest Gift that we have been given in Christ. The gift reflects the value of the giver, a gift meets a need, and a gift shows the value of the recipient.

Before Him Lowly Bend

Matthew 2:1-18 This Sunday morning, Pastor Michael speaks from Matthew 2:1-18, where God’s Word highlights the contrasting responses to the birth of Jesus. We saw the hostility of King Herod, who rejected Jesus because he wanted to control his own life, much like many today who resist Christ’s rule. We also considered the indifference of the religious leaders, who, though aware of the prophecy, chose comfort over confrontation. Finally, we reflected on the worship of the Magi, who, guided by…


Matthew 18:21-35 In this morning’s sermon, Andrew Prince explores the powerful message of forgiveness from Matthew 18:21-35, focusing on the parable of the unforgiving servant. He highlights how the master’s cancellation of the servant’s debt demonstrates the boundless nature of God’s forgiveness, in contrast to the servant’s refusal to forgive his own debtor. Andrew emphasized that Jesus rejects the idea of limiting forgiveness, showing that it always comes with a cost. He also distinguishes between biblical types of forgiveness, explaining…

How Am I Saved?

Galatians 2:15-21 In this evening service sermon preached by Pastor Karl on Galatians 2:15-28, we learn that righteousness cannot be achieved through our own efforts. The message highlights that the death of Jesus is the only means of justification, emphasizing our complete dependence on His sacrifice for salvation.

The Blessed Life

Psalm 1 In this sermon preached by Pastor Michael on Psalm 1, we explore the contrasts between delighting in God’s word, bearing fruit through abiding in Christ, and the ultimate fate of the wicked. Emphasizing the importance of daily meditation on Scripture, the message highlights how a close relationship with God benefits not only ourselves but also our families and those around us.