Sermons from May 2019
Prayerful partnership
Philippians 1:1-11 The Philippians are Paul’s faithful partners in the gospel (1:5) as those who share with Paul in God’s grace (1:7). Paul’s desire is that the gospel would continue to grip the hearts and minds of the Philippian church, resulting in changed lives, to the glory of God. Paul’s prayer here ought to shape ours. Let us be joyfully giving thanks and interceding for those with whom we are partners in the gospel.
Ephesians 2:1-10We’re all searching for a life of purpose. Listen as we think about why true purpose is so elusive and what it means for us to find and live out our true purpose in Christ.
John 4We often thirst for relationships to give us satisfcation and a sense of significance. But they inevitably let us down. The Samaritan woman in John 4 knew this all too well. But Jesus comes to her and offers her living water. We discover that there is one relationship which can truly satisfy and offer us a sense of significance – our relationship with God found through Christ. Let us come to him and have our thirst quenched.