"Sunday Morning" Tagged Sermons (Page 43)

"Sunday Morning" Tagged Sermons (Page 43)

Sunday Morning

Giving Everything For Jesus

Surely one of the more bizarre incidents in Jesus’ life happened during the final few days prior to His crucifixion. During a meal with His friends, Mary of Bethany quite unexpectedly anointed Jesus with 300-400mls of the most expensive imported perfume, then wiped His feet with her hair. Why did she do it? What about the expense? How about the waste of money? Through this act of extreme generosity and devotion, Mary challenges the way every Christian ought to respond to Jesus. As we consider all that Christ has done for us, especially His death on the cross, is there anything we should not be willing to gladly give to Him?

“Lord, please change me”

We like to think of the Christian life as smooth-sailing and relatively free from the sins and evils of this world. But for most Christians the journey involves many challenges which affect our growth and progress in the Christian life. We know God wants us to become increasingly like Christ, but so often we find ourselves battling with our own sinfulness and the devil’s schemes. How can we change? How can we overcome those sinful habits or defeat those recurring temptations? In this message Pastor Murray urges us to honest self-examination and serious action, so that with God’s help we really can change and grow, and become more like Christ.

The Godly Family

Listen as Pastor Dave looks at three parenting myths that are busted by Solomon in Psalm 127.

The flood, the ark and a new beginning

Skeptical scientists question the possibility of a worldwide flood, and even more so the possibility of a man-made ark being the means of saving the air-breathing population of animals and humans. But what if it is true as the Bible consistently teaches? The story of the Bible is the story of God’s dealing, often miraculously, with the people He created. And that’s what we see vividly portrayed in today’s message. God’s judgement upon the sin of the human race through the cataclysmic worldwide flood was matched only by His miraculous salvation of Noah, his family and the animals in the ark. God today still promises judgement upon sinners, but has provided salvation for us in the person of His divine Son, Jesus Christ, who has taken that judgement in our place. We must all face the prospect of that day of judgement and only Jesus can save us when it comes. Are you trusting Him?

God’s response to a decadent world

One of the best known stories of the Bible is the story of Noah and the ark. But is it true? Could it really have happened? Should we believe it today? The answer to each of these questions is yes…yes…yes. This message begins a three part look at this incredible event. But more than the event itself, we look behind the scenes at why it happened and what it has to teach us about life today. Far more than a fascinating fairy story, the story of Noah is a potent warning to our generation about the danger of rejecting God, and our urgent need to find personal safety and security through faith in Jesus Christ.