"Sunday Morning" Tagged Sermons (Page 40)
Sunday Morning
Beware the Hardened Heart
The Christian life is a journey that begins with an “exodus” (salvation) and leads to an “entry” (heaven), and so much can happen in between. Today’s passage sounds a sober warning of the dangers every believer faces on this journey. Just as the Israelites grumbled against God and turned away from Him in the desert on the way to the Promised Land, we can also start to doubt God when things don’t go our way in life. Before long our hearts become hardened towards Him, and rebellion and disobedience soon follow. But this doesn’t have to be the case if we heed the advice we find in this great passage!
Why Hold Fast To Jesus?
Have you ever had a crisis of faith? For whatever reason, you’ve found yourself questioning your beliefs. The words of songs like “Jesus is all I need” somehow don’t ring true. The writer of Hebrews had people like this in mind when he wrote these words, particularly those who felt like giving up and turning back to their old Jewish ways. But Jesus really IS better …. so keep your keep fixing your thoughts on Jesus …. keep holding fast to Him. Through all the struggles of life Jesus is the faithful, dependable One. Don’t let go of Him. Keep persevering in your faith. He won’t let you down.
Jesus Redeems
Jesus is our great rescuer! He came down into our situation in order that he might lift us out of it. He did what we were powerless to do, he saved us from the slavery to sin and death. He is our great high priest. Listen as Pastor Dave looks at why Jesus both redeems and transforms our humanity.
The Danger Of Drifting Away
Very few Christians suddenly decide to abandon their faith. A far greater danger is a gradual drifting away from Christ as life gets busy, distracted, hard, complicated ….. (you fill in the space!). But how does this happen? And what can we do to prevent it? In today’s message we see how the writer to the Hebrews suggests two key ways to stop this drift. Firstly, to realise just how great Jesus is. Nobody, not even angels, come close. Secondly, to appreciate just how wonderful is the salvation Jesus offers. Jesus really is the anchor for the Christian life, to keep us safe and strong in the storms of life. So how’s your relationship with Christ today?
Who are you listening to?
In a world where there are so many conflicting voices crying out for our attention, there is one voice more than any other that we need to be listening to – God’s voice. The book of Hebrews begins with a clear message ….. God has spoken to us. In times past He spoke through the prophets, and we have this message recorded for us in the Old Testament. But then God did the unthinkable. He spoke to the human race through the person of His own divine Son, Jesus Christ. In Jesus – His life, His words, His death and resurrection etc – God has spoken most fully and finally. We don’t need a new word from God today. But we do need Jesus. Are you listening to Him?
He is with us
Tune in as Pastor Dave explains this amazing piece of scripture!
The prayer of Jesus (part 1)
The Bible records many prayers and they come in many different forms. In John 17 we get to listen in to a very personal prayer, prayed by Jesus only a few hours before he went to the cross. No doubt His heart was very heavy. But what is obvious is a very clear awareness that in His death and resurrection He was bringing to completion the mission God had given Him. God the Father and also Jesus the Son would both be glorified through this. But now it was time for the disciples to continue that gospel mission. So Jesus picks up these themes as he prays for Himself, His eleven disciples ….. and indirectly for all of us who live faithfully for Him in the world today.
Good News for the Confused
Confusion …. questions …. doubts …. fears. We all know what these feel like. And that’s the way it was with the disciples of Jesus on the night before He would die on the cross. What would it mean for these men that he was leaving them? So Jesus took the opportunity to reassure them and give them hope. Sure, life would be different (and even difficult), but in a positive way. As we face the uncertainties of our lives, there is one great certainty that we must cling to, and that is Jesus Christ Himself. He takes our questions, doubts and fears and assures us that in Him we can know joy, answers to our prayers, and God’s peace, whatever we may be facing. Are you trusting Him today?