"Sunday Morning" Tagged Sermons (Page 24)
Sunday Morning
Is Jesus really God?
John 1:1-18
Can we trust the Bible today?
2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 For some people the Bible is just another book and it contains errors of science, history and grammar. Others have a much higher view and believe it implicitly. But why should we trust it? What makes it different from every other book ever written? Is it really God’s Word to us? In this message Pastor Murray looks at how we got the Bible and why we can be confident that it is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word…
Peace be with you
Luke 24:36-49 Try to imagine how the disciples were feeling by Sunday morning after the crucifixion of Jesus. Without doubt they would have been scared, confused, and exhausted mentally and emotionally. It’s no wonder they were behind locked doors trying make sense of everything that had been happening. Then all of a sudden Jesus appeared before,speaking these words: “Peace be with you … why are you troubled?”. There’s nothing like a good resurrection to restore peace to a troubled life!…
Not my will but yours
Luke 22:39-46 Listen in on Jesus praying in the Garden. The pain of his prayer reminds us of what was about to happen at the cross, and it challenges us to think about our own sin and where we stand with God.