"Sunday Morning" Tagged Sermons (Page 23)
Sunday Morning
Setting things right
Isaiah 41:20-42:17Things are not right in our world. The exiles in Babylon knew this in a very specific way. But in a more general sense, so too do we. In our passage today, Isaiah points us to the one who would enter this “not-right” world and make things right, the true Servant of the Lord.
The Incomparable God
Isaiah 40:1-31 A famous book written many years ago was entitled “Your God is Too Small”. The people of Judah were slaves in a foreign land, overwhelmed with doubt and despair: “Where is God? Is there any hope?” they were thinking. Enter Isaiah with these incredible words of comfort and hope. Does God have the power to rescue them? He certainly does (and He did!). Does God care enough to rescue them? He certainly does (and he did!). And He…
The Day is Coming!
Isaiah 24-27As we have moved through the book of Isaiah the focus has changed from God’s judgement on Judah and Jerusalem (chapters 1-12), then the surrounding nations (chapters 13-23), and now the whole world (chapters 24-27). Repeatedly, the reference point is a coming day when all that is wrong with the world as we know it will be destroyed and put right, as God powerfully intervenes. For most people it will be a day of terrifying dread. But for a…
King of the Nations
Isaiah 13-23 Our God is King of the nations. In these chapters we hear what God has to say about where these nations (and we) look for our security and salvation. Let us be reminded that only our God can offer us true, eternal security.
Christ’s Glorious Kingdom
Isaiah 11-12
A very personal encounter with God
Isaiah 1:1-13Life as an Old Testament prophet was vitally important, but often difficult and lonely. In today’s message Isaiah tells us how God called him to this 60 year ministry to the people of Judah. Through a personal vision, Isaiah received a glimpse of God sitting in all His glory on His heavenly throne, attended by angelic beings singing “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty, the whole earth is full of His glory”. Isaiah was never the same again.…
Can God’s grace be exhausted?
Isaiah 5
The LORD has spoken
Isaiah 1:1-31This message begins a new series from the book of Isaiah, apart from the Psalms, the longest in the Old Testament. Of all the OT books, Isaiah most clearly points us to Christ and the gospel of God’s saving grace. As a prophet Isaiah’s task was to declare faithfully and courageously what God was saying to the people of Jerusalem and Judah …. and to us today. In this message we see the LORD exposing three key areas of…
What difference does knowing Jesus make?
John 15:1-17 When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He is calling us to a changed life, and this process of change the Bible calls holiness (or sanctification). Because of ingrained sin and its devious influence, there is always work for the Holy Spirit to do in us in order to “conform us to the image of Christ” (Romans 8:29). Slowly but surely, as the Spirit exposes our sin, we are to take whatever steps are necessary to kill off…
Why is the cross such a big deal?
1 Corinthians 1:18-31All over the world the cross is the most distinct symbol of Christianity. But why? In this message we see that the cross is actually the one great historic act of salvation that the whole Bible points to, and that sets Christianity apart from all other religions. Mankind’s greatest need is not a new, improved version of society, but every individual person (including each one of us) saved from their sins. And that is only possible through what…