"Sunday Morning" Tagged Sermons (Page 20)
Sunday Morning
Evangelizing a Pagan Culture
Acts 17:16-34 Today’s world is full of idols that people ‘worship’ … things like money, possesions, power, sex and drugs. But do they satisfy? In the first century AD, Paul found himself in Athens, the intellectual and cultural capital of the world at that time. What he found was a city full of idols to the Greek gods. But the only true God was missing. So he took the opportunity to tell them, even getting an invitation to the Areopagus,…
Good News for All!
Acts 10:34-48
The Spark that Ignited the Church’s Mission
Acts 6:8-8:3 Stephen’s speech before the Sanhedrin shows just how clearly he understood that the Old Testament points to Jesus. For this, very sadly, he became the first martyr of the early church. But his death was not in vain. In this message we see how God used this event in a wonderful way to scatter Christians beyond Jerusalem, and in the process spread the gospel and grow the church. And the ripples of that day are still being felt…
Handling Hostility
Acts 4:1-31 When Peter and John are put on trial by the religious authorities, Peter boldly proclaims the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. In today’s message, we consider the content of Peter’s message and think about what this passage teaches us about how we should respond when we face hostility for proclaiming the message of Jesus. CNBC Proclaiming the Risen Lord Jesus – Michael Howell, 14 June 2020 from City North Baptist Church on Vimeo.
When the Spirit Comes in Power
Acts 2:1-41 Today we begin a new series on the main sermons/speeches in the book of Acts. Peter’s message to the crowds in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost takes us to the heart of all the public speeches in the book as he fearlessly and powerfully preached the Lord Jesus – His life, death, resurrection and ascension, and how He fulfilled the OT prophecies of the coming of the Messiah. The result? 3000 people repented of their sin, believed…
Being the Church
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 In the current season of social isolation, much of what we do as “the local church” has been undone for a time. And so, we find ourselves asking the question, “What does it mean, in practice, to be the church?” Paul has written to encourage the Thessalonian church to live as a community shaped by faith, hope and love. In his conclusion to the letter he spells out what it means, in specific and practical terms, to…
Big Questions About Death and Eternity
1 Thessalonians 4:13 – 5:11 What happens beyond death raises all sorts of unanswered questions. But while death always hurts, Christians face it differently. We “don’t grieve like those who have no hope”. But on what is our hope based? Our passage teaches us what will happen to dead believers at the second coming of Jesus, and how we who are still alive should live as we prepare to meet the Lord on that day. Who knows when we might…
How to Walk
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 The Christian life is often described as a walk. Watch as we wrestle with what it looks like for us to walk in a way that pleases God, especially in the areas of holiness and brotherly love.
Gospel-Motivated Caring for Others
1 Thessalonians 2:17 – 3:13 How much do we as Christians care for one another? In these verses we see how much Paul cared about the the new believers at Thessalonica. Most of all he wanted to know whether they were ‘standing firm in the Lord’. While he cared about their physical well-being, he cared even more about their faith. May our care for one another have this kind of focus. If so, the question we should be asking each…
The Word of God at Work
1 Thessalonians 2:13-16The word of God should be central in the life of every believer, but it is often under-utilised. WE should be eager to hear the word and accept it, and allow it to do its work in our lives to shape us into the likeness of Christ. CNBC Message for 3 May 2020: The Word of God at Work – John Spranklin from City North Baptist Church on Vimeo.
Motives and Methods of Gospel Ministry
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 The credibility of Christians in Australia is being seriously challenged today, and this is causing churches and gospel-centred ministries to defend themselves. In our passage today Paul defends himself against attacks which were being made against him and his team. In particular he reassures the believers at Thessalonica that his motives are pure, and his methods are driven by a genuine love for them. There is absolutely no room for hypocrisy in genuine gospel ministry. I wonder…
How the Gospel Makes Christians
1 Thessalonians 1:4-10 As Paul continues to give thanks for the Thessalonians, he recalls the circumstances of their conversion. As we learn what the gospel did in them, we are forced to ask ourselves, “what difference has the gospel made in my life?” How the Gospel Makes Christians – Michael Howell 19 April 2020 from City North Baptist Church on Vimeo.