"Sunday Morning" Tagged Sermons (Page 11)
Sunday Morning
Lydia – Gospel Hospitality
Acts 16:11-40 As the gospel comes to Philippi, it immediately takes a hold of the life of Lydia, one outworking of which is her gospel-driven hospitality. Just as her hospitality is able to bless both the missionary team and her local church, so our own gospel hospitality has the potential to bless others and to enable gospel progress in various ways.
Acts 9, 22 Ananias played a vital role in one of the most significant moments in church history. Today we’ll reflect on what it was that made Ananias just the right guy for this moment.
The Seven
Acts 6:1-7 A problem has arisen in the early church, a problem which has the potential to distract the church and its leaders from the ministry of the word. The choosing of “The Seven” models for us a way for churches to deal with distractions so that it is able to keep doing what God has called it to do.
Barnabas – Son of Encouragement
Acts 4:32-37 & 11:22-26 There is something uniquely powerful in examining the life of a person who embodies a great idea. Barnabas plays a unique role in the early church, especially by being a source of encouragement to others. We see him this exemplify this throughout the Book of Acts in various contexts, in various ways, and with great impact on the progress of the gospel.
Devoted to Prayer
Acts 2 and others On Pentecost Sunday, we begin a week of praying for revival. But what are we praying for when we pray for revival? We seek that God would do (1) His ordinary work (2) in an extraordinary way (3) that affects an entire community.
The End of an Era
Deuteronomy 29-30 In these final scenes of Deuteronomy, we’re reminded of the uniqueness of Yahweh, the unique privilege of God’s people and the unique status of Moses the prophet. We’re left looking ahead in hope, for the day when the prophet like Moses would be revealed. In Jesus, all these hopes are not simply realised, they’re completely surpassed.
The Path to Life
Deuteronomy 29-30 As Moses reaches the end of his final “sermon” he calls Israel to a decision. Which path will they take? Will they embrace the grace being offered to them and choose life? Or will they turn from God and choose death?
Covenant blessings and curses
Deuteronomy 26:1-29:1 Having spelled out the stipulations of the covenant between Israel and God, Moses now outlines the consequences of their adherence, or non-adherence to the law. Life in the Promised Land ought to be one of blessing and flourishing, but it could go very badly if they fail to fulfill their covenant obligations. Praise God that Christ has taken the curse of sin from us, by faith in his death for us.
A life well lived
Proverbs 31 Proverbs 31 presents to us a picture, not only of a strong woman and excellent wife, but an idealised example of wisdom lived out and applied in daily life. We are being wooed away from a life of folly and to a life of wisdom. We are called to marry wisdom – holding her tight and allowing her to shape every part of our lives, and ultimately allowing her to point us to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Justice and Justice Alone
Deuteronomy 16-21 Moses outlines the kind of leaders that God’s people will need if they are to maintain their distinctiveness from the nations. These leaders are responsible for ensuring that truth, justice and righteousness prevail in the land. Ultimately, these ideal leaders point us towards Jesus, the most just Judge, righteous King, true Prophet and faithful Priest.
Confidence about our future
1 Corinthians 15 By the empty tomb, God declares loudly and eternally his great triumph over sin and death and Satan! Jesus’ resurrection is the proof of everything that his death had achieved. It gives us certainty about our future, that we who have trusted Christ will also be resurrected to eternal life. Knowing this should radically transform our lives between now and then.