"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 9)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 9)

Sunday Evening

A Mighty Warrior?

Judges 6-8 We can learn from Gideon’s story at two levels. When we look at Gideon the warrior, we see how God taught this weak man lessons about God’s presence, promises and power, before using him to deliver God’s people. But when we look at Gideon the worshipper, we see a man who failed miserably, leading God’s people to worship foreign gods rather than the one true God. From here, things only get worse for God’s people.

Greatness in the Kingdom of God

Mark 9:30-37 We all have predispositions when it comes to understanding what constitutes ‘greatness’. Wile we may attribute factors such as success and influence as indications of greatness, in this passage Jesus redefines what it means to be truly great in the eyes of God.

Will Israel’s deliverer please stand up?

Judges 4-5 In most cases in the Book of Judges, when Israel needs rescuing from their enemies, the LORD raises up a judge to deliver them. Uniquely in Judges 4-5, we see Deborah, Barak and Jael all play a part in overcoming the Canaanites. We’re left asking, who is the real deliverer of Israel? And who should get the honour for the victory. AS in our salvation in Christ, the honour should not go to a human deliverer, but to…

The right(?) man for the job

Judges 3:12-30 The story of Ehud is designed to make us laugh, especially at the cartoonish king of Moab, Eglon. And yet even as we laugh, we’re also forced to think, about our greatest problem, our unlikely deliverer and our mighty God, who laughs at those who stand opposed to him (Ps. 2:4)

Crippled by Compromise

Judges 1:1-3:6The first couple of chapters of The Book of Judges forecasts for us the downward spiral that is to come for the nation of Israel, but it also takes us to ‘ground zero’ – to how this all began – compromises they made by not trusting God completely nor obeying him completely. We need to heed the warning not to compromise in our generation, and to look to the cross of Christ for mercy, forgiveness and ultimate deliverance.

True Confidence

Philippians 3:1-11 We are accepted by God through faith in Jesus rather than through faith in our own performance.

Giving God your Full Attention

Hebrews 1:1-2:4 In these last days God has spoken to us by his Son – the one who is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being. This is utterly remarkable that God would reveal himself to us to this extent. If we are to hold on to our salvation, and not drift, we must give God our full attention, never losing sight of the grandeur of Jesus and the wonder and goodness of the gospel.

God’s personal invitation

Matthew 22:1-14 Everyone loves a good wedding … or do they? It seems not, especially when it comes to the heavenly wedding banquet God has planned. The parable Jesus told about this wedding reveals three particular responses to God’s invitation. Some are outright rejecters. Some are grateful (if undeserving) accepters. Others are self-righteous impostors. The invitation is clear and very gracious, but we must all respond personally. What is your response?

Alert Living

Ephesians 5:15-21 In the final part of our series on the new self, we see that the new self lives an alert life. This alertness is expressed as we walk through life wisely and allow God to fill us with His Spirit.