"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 8)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 8)

Sunday Evening

A Living Hope

1 Peter 1:3-12 As Peter begins the first main section of his letter, it is as though he “drops anchor” and reminds his readers of some of the incredible privileges they have as believers. We have a glorious future. There is purpose in our trials. We are in a privileged position as those for whom God’;s revelation was given. May we always hold fast to these incredible truths.

Elect exiles

1 Peter 1:1-2 As we begin the book of 1 Peter, the apostle writes to persecuted Christians, instructing them how to live lives as “Elect Exiles” in a world that is not their home, encouraging them to live lives that glorify Christ, and that despite their circumstances, the joy and peace of Christ are available.


Matthew 14:22-32Jesus’ encounter with the disciples in the midst of the storm.

Trusting God alone as our rest and refuge

Psalm 62 The Psalmist recounts his experience of true safety, salvation, and rest in God despite the ongoing assault of his enemies. Drawing on this testimony, he implores the faith community to similarly seek refuge in God, for true rest and content can only be found in Him.

The Disciples’ Journey

Luke 9:51-10:4 Discipleship calls for single-minded clarity, and is to be lived out in a world that hates and opposes you, but can be lived confidently because we are children of God’s grace and eternal salvation.

Prayer and Praise

Ephesians 3:14-21 In this passage, Paul is praying for the Christians in Ephesus and the surrounding regions that they may be strengthened in their faith by more deeply understanding Christ’s love for them. We too must be praying for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and in this message, we will be exploring some practical prayers that God desires His people to pray.

No king in Israel

Judges 17-21 As we’ve moved through the book of Judges, things have tended to get more depraved, and we reach a climax in these final chapters as we get an up close look at Israel’s sin. These chapters describe the religious and moral degeneration of God’s people living apart from God. We are confronted with the ugly reality of our sinful hearts. The only hope is a king who will rescue, rule and change us, and it is this we…


Judges 13-16 In this message, we explore Samson’s life in five “episodes.” We see a man with incredible strength, but who is otherwise, impulsive, self-centred and vengeful. Samson’s story causes us to ask some serious questions of ourselves. Above all, Samson points us to Jesus, the far better Saviour, who in his weakness delivers us from our great enemies.

Manipulating God

Judges 10-12 10:6-12:7 Jephthah tries to manipulate God for his own ends, with tragic results. Jephthah is treating the Lord like he would an idol, but the One True God cannot be manipulated. We ultimately exist to serve God’s agenda, not him ours. If we are to worship and obey God rightly, we must first know him.