"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 33)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 33)

Sunday Evening

What Difference Does The Resurrection Make?

In many ways the resurrection of Jesus is the “clincher” that makes the Christian faith credible. The apostle Paul even says that if Christ had NOT been raised then “our faith is futile …. we are still in our sins …. we are lost …. we have no hope ….. and we are to be pitied” (1 Cor 15:17-19). Without the resurrection Christians are “no-hopers”! Yes – so much rides on the resurrection. And we can be confident that Christ really has been raised. But in practical terms, what difference does it make to our everyday lives? Listen in as Pastor Murray shares with us seven good reasons to feel encouraged by this wonderful Easter discovery.

Failure, forgiveness & a fresh start

Who was responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus? Judas ….the Sanhedrin …..Governor Pilate …..the Roman soldiers? Of course, they were involved. But what about Peter …..and the other disciples? And what about us? As we look more closely at Peter’s denial of Jesus we simply can’t avoid the stark truth that we are all far more like Peter than we care to admit. We think our commitment to Christ is stronger than it is. We think that we are better than others. We fail to pray like we should. We cave in when challenged to identify with Christ publicly. That night Peter saw himself as he really was, a sinner in desperate need of the forgiveness that only Jesus could give him. Perhaps for the very first time he understood why Jesus had to die …….it was for him as much as anyone else. Jesus did forgive Peter and made him a new man. What Jesus did for Peter He wants to do for you and me too.

Trusting Jesus

During his lifetime Jesus attracted many followers, admirers and even enemies. It seems that people were drawn to him, wherever he went. Listen as Pastor Dave looks at Matthew 8 at what it takes to truly follow Jesus. To be his disciple.

How Should We Pray?

Listen as Pastor Dave looks at how Christians should pray following Jesus teaching on prayer in Matthew 6:5-15.


Listen as Pastor Dave examines the question of why we pray, when the scriptures tell us that God already knows what we need before we ask Him.