"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 31)
Sunday Evening
Lessons on Prayer
Listen as Pastor Dave looks at some lessons we can learn about effective prayer from Daniel chapter 9.
The Lord of History
Tonight we continue our Daniel series with the first of the visions in chapters 7-12.
We live in troubled times. Violence, the struggle for power and suffering seem to characterise our world. It’s sad and scary. In these troubled times, we might ask this question; “who’s in charge?” Listen as we discover how Daniel 7 answers that question. Let us think about how this answer ought to affect our lives today.
Talk to, Trust in, and Live for Him
Tune in as Pastor Dave shares from the story of Daniel & the Lions.
A Picture of Sin
Our world doesn’t talk a lot about sin. But when it does, there are so many different voices we could listen to. Everyone seems to have a different understanding of or attitude towards sin! As Christians, we can find ourselves a little confused about sin. What is sin? What does it mean to be a sinner? What things are sin, what things aren’t?
When it comes to the topic of sin, there is one voice that we should listen to above all others; the voice of God. In Daniel 5, we meet Belshazzar, a picture of sin. Listen as we see what God has to say about the nature and reality of sin, and of course, it’s consequences. Let us consider again the reality of sin in our own lives, that we might truly appreciate what Jesus has done for us.
The madness of Nebuchadnezzar
Tune in as Pastor Dave takes us through King Neb’s pride.
Declaring True Wisdom
Daniel knew that God is the only source of true wisdom. He found himself with the opportunity to declare God’s wisdom to a pagan king who needed to hear it. Our world is equally desperate to hear the wisdom of God – even when it won’t admit it! The question is, will we keep it to ourselves or be like Daniel and declare it to those who need to hear it?
Resolving to Stand for God
Listen as Pastor Dave continues our examination of Daniel chapter 1 and take a look at what it means to live for Christ in a Secular World.
Signs that we’re strangers
Tonight we begin our new series, Daniel: Strangers in a secular world. We begin by looking at the circumstances in which Daniel and his friends found themselves as exiles in Babylon. All the signs pointed to the fact that they were “out of place,” living as strangers in a foreign land. In the same way, we who follow Jesus live as “strangers” in this world. We must work out how we will remain involved in this world while continuing to stand firm in our faith.
The Weeds and The Wheat
Tune in as Pastor Dave closes the Parables series with the parable of the weed & wheat.