"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 26)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 26)

Sunday Evening

Expectations & Doubt

Listen as Pastor Dave looks at what Jesus encounter with John the Baptists disciples teaches us about dealing with doubt.

Our certain hope

The end of Joseph’s life is reminder to us that we can have a certain hope for our future, just as Joseph did. Listen as we conclude our series in Genesis, and be reminded again of why it is that our hope for the future is a sure and certain hope. Do you have a future hope like that?

A King for the Broken-hearted

Jeremiah critiqued many things in the nation of Judah in which he lived. Among them was the kind of society that this idolatrous nation was building. The poor, the widow, the orphan, and the refugee were being overlooked and left vulnerable. Tonight we see Jeremiah bring this theme to the fore and in doing so he reveals something shocking about the heart that was behind these social abuses.

The Divine Detour

Some people love to make detailed plans for the future …. marriage, children, career moves, houses, overseas holidays, retirement etc. But how do we cope when the unexpected happens? In today’s message we explore the unexpected circumstances which took Jacob and his family from Canaan down to Egypt, and how God used this detour in a positive way to actually bless this family and their descendants. Ultimately this plan included us through Jacob’s son, Judah. God uses the “detours” of life for our good when we trust Him. Where does God fit into your plans? Much more important than our plans is God’s plan, which is to use all the circumstances of our lives to point us to Jesus Christ, the royal descendant of Judah. Jesus still reigns as King over those who place their hope and trust in Him. Are your plans leading you more and more to Him?

The God who saves

Listen as we meet Asher, one of Joseph’s brothers. We’ll hear him explain what happened to him and his brothers in Egypt, and how he felt when he realised that God had been at work in everything to save His people.

God’s Man – Trained & Promoted

Life is never as straight forward as we would like it to be. For some people it can be really tough. This was certainly the case for Joseph as a young man – sold as a slave by his brothers, falsely accused by his master’s wife, then thrown into prison. For 13 long years life was a battle and seemed so unfair. But “the Lord was with him” throughout this phase of his life, and though he didn’t realize it at the time, God was training Joseph for what lay ahead. One day, literally, his life was totally turned around as God used him to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. At 30 years of age he became the second most important man in all of Egypt, the man who not only saved the nation from starvation, but many other nations, including his very own family in Israel. Joseph trusted God, and His ways, and His timing, and God was able to use him in a wonderful way. Will we trust God and stand for Him in our day?

King my heart

David was God’s chosen king in waiting. Everyone knew this. You’d expect that everyone would have treated him with honour and respect. Well today we meet two people who treat David in very different ways. One of them is Nabal, a fool who treats David with contempt, and pays the price. The other is Nabal’s wise wife, Abigail, who honours David as a king. The question for us is this: when it comes to responding to God’s chosen King, who will I be like, Nabal or Abigail?

A truth for the journey

Life is journey full of ups and downs. Our circumstances are always changing. Joseph knew this all too well. As we read Genesis 39, we can’t help but note that in all the circumstances he faced, one thing never changed. God was always with him, both in his times of success and in his times of difficulty. How important it it that we understand this truth for our own lives!


Tune in as Pastor Dave shares from the extraordinary story of Joseph and God’s Master Plan for him.