"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 24)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 24)

Sunday Evening

Playing our part

Sometimes we might be tempted to wonder whether we’re really much use to God. Does he really want to use us achieve his purposes? He does! These last verses in Colossians remind us of the ways in which God delights to use us.

An extraordinary task

Though we are just ordinary Christians, God has given us the extraordinary task of making sure that outsiders hear about Jesus. In this passage, Paul reminds the Colossians of what it is that they must do in order for this to happen. What a great privilege and responsibility we have!

Instructions for the Christian Home

For the Christian, the gospel of Jesus should intersect and overlap into every aspect of our lives. It should change the way we live and should impact our relationships with each other both at church, and at home. Listen as Pastor Dave looks at the Apostles Paul’s instructions for Christian homes and families and how the gospel should be at work in our key relationships.

The Difference Christ Makes

When a person becomes a Christian, he or she inevitably begins to change. The old way of thinking and behaving, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, is steadily replaced by the new life of Christ. And we are to cooperate with the Spirit in this ongoing process as we “put to death” the old life and “put on” the new life. In this message we look at some of the practical changes that take place when we allow the peace of Christ, the Word of Christ, and the name of Christ to get to work in our lives. To really know Christ is to experience the powerful difference only he can make in every possible area of life. “If anyone is in Christ he or she is a new creation”. I wonder whether that is true of us?

Living the new life

Paul has reminded the Colossians that the Christian has died to the old life and been given a new life in Christ. Now he shows them what it looks like to live out their new life. Join us as we think about what it means for us to take off the old life with its practices and to put on the new life. Each of us must ask ourselves this question: How does the fact that I have a new life in Christ affect the way that I live?

Rejoice with me!

Baptism is one of the great symbols of the Christian faith, representing both the reality of sins forgiven, and the fact that a Christian has died to the old life of sin and been raised to new life with Christ. And our rejoicing tonight, as we witness several baptisms, is also a symbol which represents the fact that God himself rejoices with his angels when sinners repent. What a great privilege it is to rejoice together as we consider the good work God has done in these young people!

Bill Colyer: More Joy!

Often it seems that joy is hard to find and harder to keep. God invites us to a joy that thrives in hard places! What gives this kind of joy?

Having an impact on the world

During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches that Christians are called to have an impact on the world by being salt and light. Listen as we consider these two metaphors, and what it means for us to be salt and light in the world in our daily lives.