"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 24)
Sunday Evening
Living the new life
Paul has reminded the Colossians that the Christian has died to the old life and been given a new life in Christ. Now he shows them what it looks like to live out their new life. Join us as we think about what it means for us to take off the old life with its practices and to put on the new life. Each of us must ask ourselves this question: How does the fact that I have a new life in Christ affect the way that I live?
True Spirituality: What it means to live the Christian life
Listen as Pastor Dave shares from Colossians 3 about our new life in Christ. True spirituality is found in Jesus and our living the Christian life means living in light of this.
Three Deadly Dangers
Colossians 2:16-23
How to guard against spiritual imposter syndrome
Listen as Pastor Dave shares from Colossians 2 about how we might have certainty in our Christian walk.
The hard work of Christian ministry
When you think of Christian ministry, do you think “hard work?” If so, you’re not alone! Serving Christ and the church in any capacity can, at times, be hard work. In tonight’s passage we get an insight into the hard work of Christian ministry from Paul’s perspective. His approach to this task is one from which we can all learn.
A New Status
What is the status of your relationship with God? This is the issue that Paul addresses in tonight’s passage. He wants to remind the Colossians of their old status, their new status, and just how their change of status had come about. His reminder to them is a reminder to us also. Because of Christ, we are now reconciled to God! What good news! Paul’s encouragement is that we would persevere in this reality.
Christ is Enough
Listen as Pastor Dave shares from Colossians 1 about why Jesus is all that we need as Christians.
A Prayer for Spiritual Growth
When you hear of a friend in trouble, and they’re hundreds of kilometres away, you can feel pretty helpless. But there’s one thing you can do, and that’s pray! Paul was in prison in Rome but he prayed for the people in the Colossian church. They were becoming confused because of the influence of false teachers. So Paul prayed for God to strengthen their faith in three ways: by transforming their minds, their way of life, and their hearts. He wanted them to know God’s will better (mind), to live more distinctively as Christians (life), and to be more joyful and thankful because of what Jesus has done (heart). This is a powerful combination in a Christian’s life, and a great testimony to the unique, saving and keeping power of Jesus Christ.