"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 23)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 23)

Sunday Evening

An ordinary servant

Under King Ahab, Israel had reached a spiritual low point, having turned their backs on the living God to worship the pagan god, Baal. Into this context comes an ordinary man, Elijah. What God does through Elijah over the following years is extraordinary. However, before God uses him, he needs to prepare Elijah for what lies before him. Listen as we are introduced to Elijah, God’s ordinary servant. Let us consider how God might prepare us to serve him in a world that has turned its back on the living God.

Greg Beaumont: Walk in Truth and Love

It shouldn’t surprise Christians that there are so many false teachers around. Jesus predicted it and many of the NT letters confirm his prediction. But what is the church to do in the face of false teachers? 2 John gives instructions to a church facing the imminent arrival of false teachers. John tells the church that they are to walk in truth and love! This means, firstly, that they are to lovingly watch themselves and each other to ensure that no one is deceived by false teaching and loses their reward. And secondly, that they are to be careful who they welcome into the church so that the precious truths of who Jesus is and what he has done can be preserved and treasured.

Who do we sing for?

The church sings for God. We are expressing our “vertical” relationship with God when we declare His praise and our love for Him. We do all of this for His glory. But our public singing also has a public effect, that is, there are “horizontal” relationships being expressed during our gathered worship. Listen as we consider the public effects our public worship can have.

Forgiven much

Baptism Service: Public displays of affection are not all that common in Australia. We tend to keep our affections for others relatively private. But in baptism, the Christian stands up in public to declare their love for Jesus and their desire to live their life for him. What would lead someone to declare their love for Jesus in such a public way? The Bible answers that question for us. Listen to a story about a woman who came to Jesus and unashamedly displayed her love for Him.

Singing with Christ

One of the great truths of the Christian faith is that we have been united with Christ. Listen as we consider how this truth shapes the way that we sing as the church.

Continuous worship

Listen as we consider what it means for us to worship God with all our lives and what place singing has in our broader life of worship.

Praying for help

In the Psalms we find great encouragement in the prayers of God’s people. We learn what it means to be in close relationship with God and how we too can be confident that he hears us and answers our prayers. Listen as Pastor Dave shares from Psalm 17 how King Davids prayer for help turned to an expression of hope and praise to the living God.

Encountering God personally

To those who genuinely look for Him, God promises make Himself known (Jeremiah 29:13). But how does He actually do this? Psalm 19 answers this question for us. Firstly, He “speaks” to us through the world of nature. Secondly, He “speaks” to us through His written Scriptures (the Bible). Thirdly, He “speaks” to us personally by exposing our sinful hearts and convicting us of our need to be made right with God Himself. As we take this journey of seeking to know God, it will eventually lead us to the One who alone can remove our sin and make us right with God… the Lord Jesus Christ… our Rock and our Redeemer!

The fool says…

Psalm 14 is a song for the people of God. It helps us understand how we should feel when we see a world which has turned its back on God.

Worthy of our praise

Listen as Pastor Dave unpacks what we can learn from the psalmist’s experience as to why God is worthy of our praise.