"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 21)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 21)

Sunday Evening

Greg Beaumont: Motivations to fight sin

The fight against sin in the Christian life is incredibly difficult. In this passage, John points out three objective realities to help motivate his readers to fight hard against sin. But not only this, John uses these objective realities to show that for a Christian, a life of ongoing sin is simply incompatible and that they should not be deceived by anyone who tells them different!

Fleeting pleasures

Listen as John warns his readers about some of the things that can lead us off course as we travel through the Christian life.

Andrew Prince: God owes you no favours

Christians are to obey everything God has commanded in Scripture, and yet when they do they are simply doing their duty rather than something particularly commendable or worthy of reward.


Listen as our hearts (and some of the lies we might tell ourselves) are exposed by the God who is light.

This we proclaim

Tonight we begin our journey through the letter of 1 John. Listen as John reminds us of the content, the reliability and the effect of the message about which he is so passionate.

David Lamont: Is life fair? Is God fair?

Jesus is confronted with unjust suffering and death caused by an evil tyrant. He addresses unjust suffering and death caused not just by people, but by natural disasters, and then issues a surprising challenge and gives a parable that illustrates the real issues from a divine perspective.

Being blessed

Listen as we consider how we can be blessed by God even though we have hearts which are prone to turning away from him.

Greg Beaumont: Comfort in suffering

Suffering is really hard! But one of the challenges that can face Christian’s when suffering happens is their expectations. Should Christians expect suffering in their life? The Scriptures give a resounding ‘yes’! But even if our expectations are right, suffering is still difficult and painful and causes us at times to doubt God’s love, sovereignty and justice. In tonight’s passage our expectations of suffering are affirmed but we are also comforted by Paul as he gives purpose to the Christian’s suffering, affirms God’s justice in suffering, and points us to how the name of Jesus is glorified in our patient endurance of suffering.