"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 16)
Sunday Evening
A song for a cloudy day
Even though we know God is with us, sometimes our circumstances can make us feel like He is far away. Psalm 13 shows us how we can respond in times like these. We see that we can ask God our desperate questions, earnestly pray for Him to intervene, and confidently affirm our trust in the God who has proven his unfailing love and goodness in the past.
A song of Hope
Why are Christians always singing? Psalm 33 suggests that they of all people have the best reason to sing because of the hope they have in God. They have hope in the character of God’s word, the power of God’s word and the sovereignty of God’s word. But it doesn’t end there, God’s people also have hope because God sees those who hope in is in his unfailing love whatever the situation they find themselves in. When we see that…
A Song for the Forgiven
If anyone knew about the agony of guilt, then it was King David. And if the strongly attested view is accepted, then David is the author of this powerful psalm, writing out of his own bitter experience. Sin in any shape or form, whether out in the open or tucked away in the privacy of our own hearts, cuts us off from God and makes us guilty. Every one of us is a guilty sinner before the holy God. But there is a cure, which God Himself has provided. He promises to remove our sin, if only we will confess it and cast ourselves upon Him for forgiveness and grace. What a blessing! What a joy! Do you have any unconfessed skeletons that are tormenting you today? Take them to Jesus Christ and be set free today.
What if I receive the gift of singleness?
Single people make up a very significant portion of our society (and the church). For this reason alone it is important that we speak clearly and biblically about singleness in the church. Listen as we consider what it means to have the gift of singleness and what God says to those who are single (and married) about singleness.
How can I have a great marriage?
Strong, godly and lasting marriages are modelled on the relationship between Christ and the church, sustained by covenant faithfulness and saturated in grace.
Why did God create marriage?
A bride and groom approach their wedding day full anticipation, excitement, hopes and dreams. It’s a happy day, and they hope for a happy marriage. Whether we’re already married, hoping to be married one day, or considering a lifetime unmarried, we tend to assume God created marriage for the sake of personal happiness. Companionship, sexual intimacy, children and other things marriage brings might make us happy to some extent, but as we read the Bible it seems that God has other priorities for marriage. So we ask: “Why did God create marriage?” and “What should our purpose be within marriage?”
What to look for in a spouse
The journey from ‘becoming friends’ to being married is an extremely important time of finding out about each other and testing the relationship. What you discover along the way (about your friend and about yourself!) can be quite confronting. But this is meant to be a time of personal spiritual growth as well as working out whether you’re ready for marriage. In this talk Pastor Murray deals head on with some of the practicalities of choosing a life partner. Whether you’re married, engaged, dating or looking forward to that prospect, there’s plenty of food for thought here about the type of spouse God wants all of us to be. (1 Thessalonians 4:1-8)
How does desire transform dating?
Desire shapes behaviour. What we want shapes what we do. This is true in all of life, and especially in relationships. Listen as we consider how right desires transform the way we go about relationships and dating.
Liberty from Legalism
The Sabbath controversy in Matthew 12 reminds us that Jesus gives us freedom from the chains of legalism. Instead of thinking we need to keep the law to appease a cranky God, we remember that we have been set free to joyfully obey our loving God.
Responding Rightly to the Revelation of Jesus
Anyone who has heard of Jesus has made some kind of response to him. In chapter 11 of Matthew’s Gospel we start to see rising opposition to Jesus as some people are looking for the wrong kind of Messiah and some are blatantly unrepentant. Jesus offers forgiveness and true rest to those who respond rightly to him – in repentance and faith. We do well to ask ourselves: “How am I responding to Jesus – for salvation, and daily as…
Excuses for not sharing the gospel
Matthew 9:35 – 10:42
Sometimes we can make excuses for not living out our calling as missionary disciples of Jesus. Several of these excuses are challenged by Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 10. We are reminded that each one of us has a part to play in the mission, that we don’t need to be afraid of what people might say about us or do to us and that we cannot lose more than we will gain in a life spent serving Jesus.