"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 15)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 15)

Sunday Evening

The King’s Identity

In these stories, Matthew weaves a picture of Jesus for us which reminds us of his true identity, and challenges us to view and respond to him rightly. Matthew 13:53-14:36

The Kingdom Parables

These six parables taught by Jesus, address some of the misunderstandings and false expectations about the Kingdom of Heaven. They show that God’s Kingdom, then and now, is a kingdom of Justice, Growth, and Power, more valuable than anything the world can offer. Matthew 13:24-50

The Parable of the Soils

The Parable of the Soils reminds us that there are many ways that people will respond to the gospel. It challenges us to think about how we respond to the gospel. Do we have hard hearts, shallow hearts, strangled hearts…or fertile hearts which produce much fruit? Matthew 13:1-23

Living out our purpose

The people of Israel finally get their act together, getting to work on building the tabernacle. They show us what it looks like when a community of God’s people are living out their special purpose in the world. Exodus 35-39

Mercy for Sinners

After the golden calf incident, Israel’s only hope is that God would show them mercy. In the chapters that follow, Moses pleads with God and God shows his mercy to Israel in three ways. We are reminded that we have a mediator who pleads for mercy on our behalf and that we ourselves are sinners who have received the incredible mercy of God. Exodus 33-34

Life without God is not life at all

As we look into Israel’s sin with the golden calf, we notice that we are not so different to them, because the problem of sin is universal. Like Israel, people today still fail to trust God. But though we are like Israel and fail, God can treat us differently. He does this because where we fail, Jesus succeeds. Exodus 32:1-33:6

The Priest we need

God has promised to dwell among his people. But there’s a problem. God is holy and his people aren’t. Israel needs a priest to enable them to come close to God. Let us consider how Israel’s priests point us to Jesus, our great High Priest who enables us to draw near to God. Exodus 28-30

I Will Dwell Among Them

Most of Exodus so far has given us massive pictures of God – burning bush, plagues in Egypt, parting the Red Sea, manna from heaven, and law giving at Mt Sinai. In Exodus 25-27 the Israelites are instructed to build a tabernacle as a sanctuary for God so that he might dwell among them. This is a stunning indication of his desire for relationship with his people. The whole Biblical narrative traces God’s relentless pursuit of relationship with his people,…

The purpose of the Law

The law was given to God’s people to teach them about God, to teach them how to live as God’s people and, ultimately, to show them that they need a Saviour. Exodus 20-24

Set free and set apart

God’s words to Israel in Exodus 19 remind us that in Christ, we have a been granted a great salvation, a special identity and a special purpose in the world.

Our God Reigns!

Psalm 96 is a psalm of praise to God. Beginning with God’s own people, and ending with all creation, the Lord is to be exalted. David sang the words of this psalm in excited anticipation of God’s coming with the Ark to Jerusalem. We sing these words as we anticipate Jesus’ coming again when he will finally defeat sin and death forever.