"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 14)

"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 14)

Sunday Evening

Authority issues

The religious leaders come questioning Jesus’ authority before Jesus rebukes them with three parables which outline the nature of authority in God’s kingdom. We’re left to consider what it means for us to live under the authority of God in His kingdom. Matthew 21:23-22:14

The King Commands Attention

For centuries the Jews had longed for a Messiah-King to save them as a nation.  Finally the day came when Jesus presented Himself to them as that King.  But what sort of king?  A humble King riding on a donkey, yet a fearless King who would overthrow the whole broken religious system.  King Jesus reigned from the cross five days later, and He still reigns in the lives of everyone who will receive Him by faith today. Matthew 21:1-22

Gospel Shaped Greatness

Our culture celebrates greatness and high achievement in every sphere of life.  As Jesus address the issue of greatness, he turns things completely upside down.  Gospel-shaped greatness is the polar opposite of worldly greatness.  It follows the pattern set by Jesus who gave his life up for others.  Matthew 20:17-34

Too big to get in

Jesus’ encounter with the rich ruler reminds us that eternal life belongs to those come to Jesus like children, trusting not in themselves, but in the God who does the impossible.   Matthew 19:13-3

Worth the Wait

The writer of Psalm 130 puts their hope for mercy, in the word of God; His character, His promises, and His commands. Knowing God will keep His word, enables God’s people to wait with joy for God’s salvation to be revealed. We are urged to do the same. Having seen God’s salvation through Jesus, we too must put our hope in His word, waiting for His return. God is worth the wait. Psalm 130

Why Worry About Worry?

Anxiety is arguably the no.1 cause of ill-health in Australia today.  Worry about finances, employment, illness, relationships, family, fashion, peer pressure etc. sap the joy of so many of us.   So how should we handle our worries?  Jesus uses two simple illustrations from everyday life, birds and flowers, to point us to the answer.  Who cares for them?  Of course, God does.  And he cares even more for us!  The question is, are we prepared to trust Him with our…

The Question of Divorce

When some Pharisees come to Jesus with a legal question about divorce, Jesus responds by pointing them to the masterpiece of marriage in its perfectly created form. Although we live in a broken world He urges us to preserve marriage by being faithful, forgiving failures and pursuing unity. Matthew 19: 1-12

Distinctives of true disciples of Jesus

The disciples of Jesus were slow learners.  But are we any better?  We can know the theory of Christian living yet struggle to put it into practice.  In today’s passage Jesus exposes several important areas where His disciples have much to learn about what it actually looks like to live in God’s kingdom. Things like how we view ourselves, how we treat “little people”, how we deal with our own sinfulness, and how we help our straying Christian friends.  This…

A Mountain Top Experience

At the mount of transfiguration, Jesus’ disciples learn lessons about Jesus’ identity, about the path to glory and about true faith. Matthew 17: 1-23

Some lessons about faith

The question – “What does it mean to have faith” – is crucial to understanding what it means to be a Christian.  As the Bible says, the opposite of walking by faith is to walk by sight.  Faith by its very nature requires an element of risk.  And that’s where the rubber hits the road when a person becomes a Christian.  It means being willing to trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, for life today and tomorrow, and for eternity. …

Rotten Religion

In this story, the superficial, hypocritical, rotten religion of the Pharisees is on full display. It challenges us to consider whether there are signs of rottenness in our faith and to repent if there is. Matthew 15:1-20