"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 12)
Sunday Evening
Cleansed By The Blood
Psalm 51 All of us rebel against God. Like King David who committed adultery and murder, even we who know God in covenant relationship as Father and as our Saviour, willfully rebel against him. And like King David, none of us are too far gone for God to forgive and restore us. In Psalm 51 we follow David from crying for mercy and confessing sin, through cleansing and renewal, to living a changed life to the glory of God. This…
The Perfect King
Psalm 72 paints for us the picture of a perfect King, one who brings justice, peace, prosperity and more to his people. But no human king ever came close to being this kind of king. We’re left longing for the truly perfect king. And that’s what we have in Jesus. When he is king, and only then, will we get the world we all want.
My life in God’s Hands
Psalm 139:1-24How well does God know you? This Psalm answers that question. He knows what you’re thinking … how you’re feeling … where you are … even what you are going to say. He made each one of us exactly as we are … our bodies …. our looks … our emotions …. our personalities … our IQ. He was there the moment we were conceived and works out exactly how long we will live. And despite knowing everything about…
The one who fears the Lord
Psalm 112 paints a picture of the godly person. When read alongside Psalm 111, we see that the godly person reflects the character of God in a number of ways. We’re forced to ask, what kind of picture would be painted of us?
Content in Christ
Phil 4:10-13 Listen as Paul talks about what it means for us as Christians to meet all our circumstances with an attitude of joyful contentment.
Garbage or Gain
Philippians 3:1-11Using his own life as an example, Paul urges the Philippians not to place any confidence in their own religious resumes to make them right with God. Our true confidence is only in the fact that we know Christ and are found in him.
Christlike Servants
Philippians 2:19-30 Timothy and Epaphroditus serve as examples of Christlike servants. We should imitate, trust and honour those who serve like Christ.
A Christ-like community
Philippians 2:12-18 In this message we consider what it looks like for the example of Christ (2:5-11) to work itself out in the context of our Christian community.