"Sunday Evening" Tagged Sermons (Page 11)
Sunday Evening
The all-powerful God
Isaiah 40:25-31One of the most common names for God in the Bible is ‘Almighty God’. But what does that mean? In this message we explore this aspect of God’s divine nature. With a word He can create the universe. He controls the galaxies, overthrows armies, suspends the laws of nature, and oversees every detail of our daily lives. And He has absolute power over sin, death and hell, as he has shown through Christ. Nothing is too difficult for Him.…
The Blessed Life
Psalm 1 presents a contrast between the wicked and the righteous. A fruitful life comes to those who turn away from sin and plant themselves deep in God’s word. How might we do that in 2020?
The all-knowing God
Isaiah 40:25-31Knowledge can be a wonderful thing. Through reading, study and now the internet, it is possible to accumulate a lot of information. But only God knows everything! In our pride we can think we know better than God, doubt His ways, and trust ourselves instead. Claiming to be wise we actually become fools. Because we are human we are not meant to know everything. But we are meant to live in dependence on God. When we do that we…
God is not bound by space. He is everywhere fully present. Listen as we think about what this means for us, who are only ever able to be in the one place at the one time.
Immutable: The God of Limitless Sameness
We live in a world of constant change and, to a large extent, being adaptable is celebrated. And yet we often live as though we, or the things in our lives are constant. But God is the only one who does not change! His Character remains fixed, his plans remain steady, and his promises remain firm. This truth gives comfort, freedom, and certainty to the believer.
God is eternal. We are not. This reality should shape the way we live now and the way we view the future. Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom (Ps 90:14).
The self-sufficient God
Isaiah 40:12-25Understanding all there is to know about God is a task too big for any human mind to fully comprehend. But there is always more for us to discover about God through the pages of the Bible. In this message Pastor Murray explores God’s self-sufficiency. He is perfectly able to look after Himself without being dependent on anyone or anything else. He does not need us, but we need Him. We have been created to be dependent on Him.…
The first of our series on some of the ways that God is different from us. God is self-existent. He has no origin and he is the origin of all things. This truth should shape the way we depend on him for life, the way we understand and use our creativity and the way we worship.
Cleansed By The Blood
Psalm 51 All of us rebel against God. Like King David who committed adultery and murder, even we who know God in covenant relationship as Father and as our Saviour, willfully rebel against him. And like King David, none of us are too far gone for God to forgive and restore us. In Psalm 51 we follow David from crying for mercy and confessing sin, through cleansing and renewal, to living a changed life to the glory of God. This…
The Perfect King
Psalm 72 paints for us the picture of a perfect King, one who brings justice, peace, prosperity and more to his people. But no human king ever came close to being this kind of king. We’re left longing for the truly perfect king. And that’s what we have in Jesus. When he is king, and only then, will we get the world we all want.
My life in God’s Hands
Psalm 139:1-24How well does God know you? This Psalm answers that question. He knows what you’re thinking … how you’re feeling … where you are … even what you are going to say. He made each one of us exactly as we are … our bodies …. our looks … our emotions …. our personalities … our IQ. He was there the moment we were conceived and works out exactly how long we will live. And despite knowing everything about…