"Psalms" Tagged Sermons

"Psalms" Tagged Sermons

Omnipresent: The God of Limitless Place

Psalm 139:7-10 This Sunday, Pastor Michael unpacked the powerful truth that God is omnipresent – He is not bound by time or space, and all of God is present everywhere, all the time. We explored how God’s presence is uniquely experienced in different moments, whether in worship, prayer, or Bible study. Through Scripture (1 Kings 8:27, Genesis 1:1, John 4:24), we learn that God’s omnipresence calls us to live authentically, confront our sin, and find comfort in knowing that He…

The Blessed Life

Psalm 1 In this sermon preached by Pastor Michael on Psalm 1, we explore the contrasts between delighting in God’s word, bearing fruit through abiding in Christ, and the ultimate fate of the wicked. Emphasizing the importance of daily meditation on Scripture, the message highlights how a close relationship with God benefits not only ourselves but also our families and those around us.

The Lord’s Power and Justice

Psalm 97 In Pastor Karl’s sermon from Sunday evening, we explore Psalm 97, which reveals God’s unmatched power and justice. The psalmist compares God’s greatness to mountains melting like wax before Him, reminding us of how small our view of God can be. The message highlights God’s righteousness as the foundation of His throne, showing that His judgment is consistent with His holiness. We are challenged to examine what we truly worship—whether materialism, comfort, or self—and recognize how these idols…

The God Who Works Wonders

Psalms 111:1-10 This Sunday morning, Michael exhorts us from Psalm 111. Through this Psalm, we learn to praise the loving God who rescues us, provides for us, gives us our inheritance, and will always keep His word. Truly we can depend on Him for our every need and trust in Him for our salvation.

The God Who Delivers

Psalm 34:1-14 This Sunday morning, Peter exhorts us through Psalm 34 to fear the Lord, while submitting our lives to God in order to deal with worldly fear. We must fear the Lord by guarding our tongue, turning from evil and doing good, and guarding our hearts.

The God Who Walks Alongside

Psalm 23:1-6 Let us find our security, provision, spiritual refreshment, guidance, comfort, peace and abundant blessings in God, our loving and faithful Shepherd.

The God Who Knows Me

Psalm 139 Karl explains from Psalm 139 how God knows us intimately. He knows us, surrounds us, and has made us in His image. The Psalmist proclaims ‘Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!’ (v23)

The God Who Forgives

Psalm 103:1-22 This Sunday morning, Michael entreats us to look to the goodness and mercy of God. Psalm 103 proclaims God’s abundant blessing, His compassionate heart towards sinners, and His enduring commitment to us.