"Joshua" Tagged Sermons

"Joshua" Tagged Sermons

Celebrating the Path to Blessing

Joshua 6:1-18 Peter Francis shares from Joshua the major blockages to Israel receiving blessing from the Lord after the walls of Jericho fell: Self-entitlement and self-reliance. He explains that the path to blessing involves dealing with our sin and listening for God’s voice. The path to blessing is to be constantly recognising or sin and confessing it to God.

Joshua – Words that Never Fail

Joshua 18:1-10 Guest preacher Josh Lean describes the passion and zeal that we must have for the things of God as a body of believers. He outlines how the antidote to our problem of spiritual procrastination is beholding God’s goodness and receiving His kingdom. Matthew 6:33 – But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.