Sermons by Michael Howell (Page 20)
Michael Howell
Refugees to slaves
As we begin the story of Exodus, we encounter three themes which set the scene for the rest of the story: God’s promises, Pharaoh’s opposition, and Israel’s pain. These themes help us understand how the story of Exodus has become the story for all Christians.
Daily assurance
John closes his letter with a reminder of the daily assurances that all Christians can have.
Encountering God’s love
The Apostle John encountered the extraordinary love of God on that first Easter. From his writings, it is clear that he never got over just how amazing God’s love for us is. On Easter Sunday, let John remind us again of the extraordinary, life changing love of God.
Test the spirits
In tonight’s passage, John urges us to test all teaching we hear and he gives us a framework by which we can discern between truth and error.
Dealing with doubt
Tonight we see John encourage his readers to have assurance as those who belong to the truth.
What is love?
Listen as John shows us what it looks like to truly love one another.
The essential ingredient
Listen as John encourages his readers to keep Jesus at the centre of their faith.
Fleeting pleasures
Listen as John warns his readers about some of the things that can lead us off course as we travel through the Christian life.
Part of the family
Tonight John answers the question, “How do we know that we are part of God’s family?”
Listen as our hearts (and some of the lies we might tell ourselves) are exposed by the God who is light.