Sermons by Michael Howell (Page 18)

Sermons by Michael Howell (Page 18)

Michael Howell

What not to bring

Many claim to want to follow Jesus but are unwilling to count the cost of doing so. Listen as we think about what must be left behind by those who want to follow Jesus.

A madman, meh-men and magi

The story of the wise men visiting Jesus is packed full of action and suspense. Tonight we look at three of the characters in more detail. This gives us a clearer picture of Jesus and challenges us to consider how we will respond to the news of Jesus’ birth.

Decision Time

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches what it looks like to be a part of his kingdom. How will you respond to his teaching? Will you enter through the narrow or the wide gate? Will you be a wise or foolish builder?

God’s Glory Alone

Because salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to God’s Word alone, God alone is the one who deserves all the glory. We are saved for his glory, we live for his glory and one day we will share in his glory.

Cows, corpses and cleansing

God’s gracious provision of an instant sin offering to cure the uncleanness of his people reminds us that in Christ we have one who cleanses us not externally and temporarily, but internally and eternally.

Grace Alone

The doctrine of Grace Alone reminds us of our desperate need for grace and that God has acted in grace towards us, offering us the free gift of salvation.

Scripture Alone

“Scripture Alone” affirms that the Bible is our final authority when it comes to knowing God’s truth.

Grumbling and grace

What’s the point of the tough times in life? Tonight we see Israel encounter three tough times on their journey. Each time, they grumble about their circumstances and each time their grumbling is met with God’s grace. In these stories we see that God uses the tough times we face to strengthen our faith in him.