Sermons by Michael Howell (Page 17)
Michael Howell
The purpose of the Law
The law was given to God’s people to teach them about God, to teach them how to live as God’s people and, ultimately, to show them that they need a Saviour. Exodus 20-24
Set free and set apart
God’s words to Israel in Exodus 19 remind us that in Christ, we have a been granted a great salvation, a special identity and a special purpose in the world.
A song for a cloudy day
Even though we know God is with us, sometimes our circumstances can make us feel like He is far away. Psalm 13 shows us how we can respond in times like these. We see that we can ask God our desperate questions, earnestly pray for Him to intervene, and confidently affirm our trust in the God who has proven his unfailing love and goodness in the past.
What if I receive the gift of singleness?
Single people make up a very significant portion of our society (and the church). For this reason alone it is important that we speak clearly and biblically about singleness in the church. Listen as we consider what it means to have the gift of singleness and what God says to those who are single (and married) about singleness.
How can I have a great marriage?
Strong, godly and lasting marriages are modelled on the relationship between Christ and the church, sustained by covenant faithfulness and saturated in grace.
How does desire transform dating?
Desire shapes behaviour. What we want shapes what we do. This is true in all of life, and especially in relationships. Listen as we consider how right desires transform the way we go about relationships and dating.
Liberty from Legalism
The Sabbath controversy in Matthew 12 reminds us that Jesus gives us freedom from the chains of legalism. Instead of thinking we need to keep the law to appease a cranky God, we remember that we have been set free to joyfully obey our loving God.
Excuses for not sharing the gospel
Matthew 9:35 – 10:42
Sometimes we can make excuses for not living out our calling as missionary disciples of Jesus. Several of these excuses are challenged by Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 10. We are reminded that each one of us has a part to play in the mission, that we don’t need to be afraid of what people might say about us or do to us and that we cannot lose more than we will gain in a life spent serving Jesus.
Two blind men, and a few more
There were two groups of blind men before Jesus that day. The physically blind could already see who Jesus was, before he even opened their eyes. But the Pharisees, though they could see, refused to Jesus for who he was. Which one are you? Has Jesus opened your eyes so that you see him for who he is?
Apostolic authority
Paul responds to those who seek to undermine his apostleship by arguing that his authority comes from Jesus, that the weapons of his authority have divine power and that he is prepared to powerfully wield his authority in order to build up the church.
What are you afraid of?
These episodes remind us of Jesus’ true identity. They challenge us to think about what, and (more importantly), who, we are afraid of.