Sermons by Michael Howell (Page 16)
Michael Howell
Too big to get in
Jesus’ encounter with the rich ruler reminds us that eternal life belongs to those come to Jesus like children, trusting not in themselves, but in the God who does the impossible. Matthew 19:13-3
Models of Ministry
As Paul presents the apostles as models of Christian ministry we are challenged to consider what it is we value in our Christian leaders and what kind of leaders we ourselves want to be. 1 Corinthians 4:1-17
God’s building
Continuing the building analogy from verse 9, Paul goes on to challenge the church to build the church on the gospel of Jesus Christ. He warns them that those who destroy the church will be destroyed and he rebukes them for their foolish disputes about their leaders, reminding them of what is truly theirs in Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:10-23
A Mountain Top Experience
At the mount of transfiguration, Jesus’ disciples learn lessons about Jesus’ identity, about the path to glory and about true faith. Matthew 17: 1-23
Rotten Religion
In this story, the superficial, hypocritical, rotten religion of the Pharisees is on full display. It challenges us to consider whether there are signs of rottenness in our faith and to repent if there is. Matthew 15:1-20
The King’s Identity
In these stories, Matthew weaves a picture of Jesus for us which reminds us of his true identity, and challenges us to view and respond to him rightly. Matthew 13:53-14:36
The Parable of the Soils
The Parable of the Soils reminds us that there are many ways that people will respond to the gospel. It challenges us to think about how we respond to the gospel. Do we have hard hearts, shallow hearts, strangled hearts…or fertile hearts which produce much fruit? Matthew 13:1-23
Living out our purpose
The people of Israel finally get their act together, getting to work on building the tabernacle. They show us what it looks like when a community of God’s people are living out their special purpose in the world. Exodus 35-39
Mercy for Sinners
After the golden calf incident, Israel’s only hope is that God would show them mercy. In the chapters that follow, Moses pleads with God and God shows his mercy to Israel in three ways. We are reminded that we have a mediator who pleads for mercy on our behalf and that we ourselves are sinners who have received the incredible mercy of God. Exodus 33-34
Going away, coming home
Ruth 1 tells a story of going away and coming home. It reminds us that some have gone away from God to “Moab”, to places far from Him. Our Moab might be sex, wealth, lifestyle, comfort or something else. But while we are living far from God, we inevitably experience emptiness. The good news of what God has done for us in Jesus calls us back home to God, where we find hope and true filling.
The Priest we need
God has promised to dwell among his people. But there’s a problem. God is holy and his people aren’t. Israel needs a priest to enable them to come close to God. Let us consider how Israel’s priests point us to Jesus, our great High Priest who enables us to draw near to God. Exodus 28-30
Facing up to suffering
Peter reminds the suffering church of several truths to help them to stand firm in the midst of their suffering. 1 Peter 4:12-19