Sermons by Michael Howell (Page 15)
Michael Howell
A Christ-like community
Philippians 2:12-18 In this message we consider what it looks like for the example of Christ (2:5-11) to work itself out in the context of our Christian community.
Prayerful partnership
Philippians 1:1-11 The Philippians are Paul’s faithful partners in the gospel (1:5) as those who share with Paul in God’s grace (1:7). Paul’s desire is that the gospel would continue to grip the hearts and minds of the Philippian church, resulting in changed lives, to the glory of God. Paul’s prayer here ought to shape ours. Let us be joyfully giving thanks and interceding for those with whom we are partners in the gospel.
Ephesians 2:1-10We’re all searching for a life of purpose. Listen as we think about why true purpose is so elusive and what it means for us to find and live out our true purpose in Christ.
John 4We often thirst for relationships to give us satisfcation and a sense of significance. But they inevitably let us down. The Samaritan woman in John 4 knew this all too well. But Jesus comes to her and offers her living water. We discover that there is one relationship which can truly satisfy and offer us a sense of significance – our relationship with God found through Christ. Let us come to him and have our thirst quenched.
Jesus warns us against recklessly pursuing riches. True riches are found only in relationship with God through Christ. Knowing this changes the way we view and use wealth.
The Final Word
Matthew 28 The resurrection was God’s final word against sin, Satan and death. Jesus then speaks some final words of instruction to those who claim to follow him. Listen as we consider what it means for us to make disciples of the risen Jesus.
Not my will but yours
Luke 22:39-46 Listen in on Jesus praying in the Garden. The pain of his prayer reminds us of what was about to happen at the cross, and it challenges us to think about our own sin and where we stand with God.
In View of God’s Mercy
Romans 12:1-2 Living sacrifices respond to the mercies of God by offering themselves to God. Listen as we contemplate the ways in which God has shown us mercy. May a clear view of God’s mercy lead us to live committed, transformed lives for His glory.
Authority issues
The religious leaders come questioning Jesus’ authority before Jesus rebukes them with three parables which outline the nature of authority in God’s kingdom. We’re left to consider what it means for us to live under the authority of God in His kingdom. Matthew 21:23-22:14
Fear, Forgiveness and favour
Listen as we consider the experience of Joseph’s brothers who went from a place of fear to a place of favour in the presence of the brother they had sinned against. As those who have sinned against a powerful and holy God, let us remember that forgiveness is the path from fear to favour. Genesis 42-45