Sermons by Michael Howell (Page 10)
Michael Howell
A Living Hope
1 Peter 1:3-12 As Peter begins the first main section of his letter, it is as though he “drops anchor” and reminds his readers of some of the incredible privileges they have as believers. We have a glorious future. There is purpose in our trials. We are in a privileged position as those for whom God’;s revelation was given. May we always hold fast to these incredible truths.
Romans 7 In Romans 7, Paul focuses on the place of the law in the life of the Christian. He does this by describing three important relationships: between the believer and the law, the law and sin, and the believer’s old and new natures.
Who’s in charge here?
Romans 6:15-23 In this second half of Romans 6, Paul reminds us that we have been set free from slavery to sin (which leads to death) and become slaves to righteousness (which leads to eternal life) – and so we must now offer ourselves in service to God.
The Story of the World
Romans 5:12-21 The story of the world is the story of two humanities. In Adam, all sin and are under the reign of death, but through Christ, we reign through grace.
Romans 5:1-11 Paul turns from the theme of justification (chapters 1-4 of Romans) to begin his exposition of the great privileges that belong to the one who has been justified by faith in Christ. Today we are reminded that we have:1. Peace with God (1-2)2. Hope that will never let us down (2b-8)3. Certainty that we will be saved from God’s wrath Peace, hope and certainty. Contemplating these can only lead to rejoicing in God! (v11)
The parable of the Ten virgins
Matthew 25:1-13 The Parable of the Ten Virgins reminds us that Jesus will return one day, suddenly and unexpectedly, and when he does we need to be ready! Are you ready? Are you staying ready? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves as we explore this parable together.
You’re invited!
Luke 14:1-24 People make all kinds of excuses for refusing to accept Jesus. In the Parable of the Great Banquet, Jesus shows us that unless we accept him, we will never eat at the great banquet in the kingdom of God. We’re all invited. But will we be there? It all depends on how we respond to Jesus.
The Greatest Treasure
Matthew 13:44-46 Jesus tells two stories to teach us that life forever with God through Jesus is the most precious thing in the whole world. If we really believe this is true, we’ll be willing to give up everything to get what Jesus offers us.
The Parable of the Four Soils
Matthew 13:1-23 The parable of the soils challenges us to ask the question, “which soil am I?” How do we respond to Jesus and his word? Is my heart fertile soil for Jesus’ words?
Blessed Assurance
Romans 4:13-25 Because our justification rests entirely on grace, we can be sure that we are right before God. This assurance changes everything. It gives us a secure identity, it frees us from having to find assurance elsewhere, and it gives us true joy!
No Boasting
Romans 3:27-4:12 Paul continues his argument that all human beings can only be made right with God by faith in Christ, pointing to Abraham, whose faith was “credited to him as righteousness.” Because our righteousness does not depend on our works, boasting is excluded.
Judges 13-16 In this message, we explore Samson’s life in five “episodes.” We see a man with incredible strength, but who is otherwise, impulsive, self-centred and vengeful. Samson’s story causes us to ask some serious questions of ourselves. Above all, Samson points us to Jesus, the far better Saviour, who in his weakness delivers us from our great enemies.