Sermons by Karl Scott (Page 5)
Speech and the power of the tongue
Proverbs 12:19-20, 22; 26:20-25 How often do you underestimate the power of your speech? While words might seem like they carry little power when compared to action, the book of Proverbs seems to disagree. As we explore what wisdom the scriptures contain on this topic, we’re going to see that God calls Christians to steward our words carefully and also, how our speech is actually a window into the state of our hearts.
Wisdom and Foolishness
Proverbs 1:20-33 Here, the author personifies wisdom in the form of a Lady who offers instruction to the foolish. Sadly, they reject her call and end up living a life that leads to destruction. We too, are foolish, and often think that our ways are best. But this passage highlights the journey of the fool and warns readers of following that same path.
Which Jesus do you believe in?
Luke 24:13-35 “Which Jesus do you believe in?” Every single person must answer that question at some point in their lives. Was he just a good man? Was he a gifted teacher? A prophet? A myth? Or was he truly the Son of God? As we explore Luke’s account of the Emmaus Road encounter, we’re going to see how Christ’s resurrection changes the way everyone must view Jesus.
Have we misidentified Jesus?
Luke 18:31-43 As we open our Easter series in the book of Luke, it’s important to reflect on exactly who Jesus is. While the question may sound simple, perhaps the Jesus we have in our heads isn’t quite the whole picture of the chosen Messiah spoken about in the Bible. In this account of Jesus’ interaction with the blind beggar, we see that in order to recognise the real Jesus, we must understand his authority, mercy, and mission.
Joyful Worship
Deuteronomy 12-16 As the nation of Israel prepares to enter the land promised to them by Yahweh, Moses reveals to them various laws for righteous living that they must abide by. While a bit strange at first glance, these laws have much to teach us about worship. Specifically, who we are to worship, where worship takes place, and how we are to worship.
1 Peter 4:12-19 As we begin the book of 1 Peter, the apostle writes to persecuted Christians, instructing them how to live lives as “Elect Exiles” in a world that is not their home, encouraging them to live lives that glorify Christ, and that despite their circumstances, the joy and peace of Christ are available.
His Law is Love
1 John 3 In this passage, the apostle John notes three key truth’s about God’s love that are revealed in the Christmas narrative: love was always God’s intention, love is freely gifted, and love is demonstrated to others.
Living as Free Slaves
1 Peter 2:11-17 As we deal with the relationship between the Christian and human authorities, we see three ways being a follower of Jesus requires us to live differently in amongst a world that doesn’t share our values.
An imperishable seed
1 Peter 1:22-2:3 Here, Peter outlines three key characteristics that those who have new life in Christ possess.
Elect exiles
1 Peter 1:1-2 As we begin the book of 1 Peter, the apostle writes to persecuted Christians, instructing them how to live lives as “Elect Exiles” in a world that is not their home, encouraging them to live lives that glorify Christ, and that despite their circumstances, the joy and peace of Christ are available.