Sermons by Karl Scott

Sermons by Karl Scott

The Book of Hebrews

Hebrews 1 This Sunday evening, we begin a new series in the book of Hebrews. Pastor Karl introduces us to Hebrews and explains how it reveals to us the glory of the incarnate Son, as well as the Lordship that He has over all of our life. He exhorts us to run with perseverance the race marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1).

Why Gain the World?

Luke 9:21-26 This Sunday morning, Pastor Karl reflects on the question, “Why gain the world?” He discusses Jesus’ mission to die and rise again, emphasizing that true life comes through self-denial and losing our life for His sake. Pastor Karl challenges us to consider what we are willing to forfeit in pursuit of the world and reminds us that gaining everything is meaningless if we lose our soul. He encourages us to trust in Christ, who has conquered death and…

The Greatest Gift

Isaiah 9:1-7 This Sunday morning, Pastor Karl exhorts us from the book of Isaiah to reflect on the Greatest Gift that we have been given in Christ. The gift reflects the value of the giver, a gift meets a need, and a gift shows the value of the recipient.

How Am I Saved?

Galatians 2:15-21 In this evening service sermon preached by Pastor Karl on Galatians 2:15-28, we learn that righteousness cannot be achieved through our own efforts. The message highlights that the death of Jesus is the only means of justification, emphasizing our complete dependence on His sacrifice for salvation.

The Lord’s Power and Justice

Psalm 97 In Pastor Karl’s sermon from Sunday evening, we explore Psalm 97, which reveals God’s unmatched power and justice. The psalmist compares God’s greatness to mountains melting like wax before Him, reminding us of how small our view of God can be. The message highlights God’s righteousness as the foundation of His throne, showing that His judgment is consistent with His holiness. We are challenged to examine what we truly worship—whether materialism, comfort, or self—and recognize how these idols…

Prayers of Power

In this challenging sermon from James 5:13-20, Pastor Karl emphasizes that prayer is always relevant, no matter the situation. He explores the link between sickness and sin, urging us to examine our hearts and repent where necessary. While not all sickness is linked to sin, there are times when suffering can be a call to return to God. Pastor Karl challenges us to cultivate a life of constant prayer—calloused knees testifying to a life of serious petition—and to actively pursue…

Boasting in Our Plans

James 3:13-17 This Sunday evening, Karl brings us the word from James as we continue our series ‘Faith that Works’. James 3 tells us that there are two views of planning: Man-centred and God-centred. Karl exhorts us from James to take a God-centred ‘if it is your will, Lord’ approach to the plans we make in life. We must stop every now and then and reflect on our busyness, seeking the Lord’s will for our life.

Two Kinds of Wisdom

James 3:13-18 This Sunday evening, pastor Karl explains from James 3 the difference between worldly wisdom that is envious, selfish, and disordered, and Godly wisdom that is submissive to Christ, pure, peace-loving, fruit-bearing, and merciful. We must be growing in Godly wisdom through conversion to Christ, reverence of Him, reading Scripture, mentorship from older Christians, and Prayer.

Taming the Tongue

James 3:1-12 Pastor Karl brings us the message this Sunday evening. He explains how James 3:1-12 is a warning to teachers that they will be judged more strictly. It also explains how the tongue is destructive and uncontrollable without Christ. Christ is the only one who can help us speak in a manner worthy of the gospel.

The God Who Knows Me

Psalm 139 Karl explains from Psalm 139 how God knows us intimately. He knows us, surrounds us, and has made us in His image. The Psalmist proclaims ‘Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!’ (v23)

Faith that Works

James 1:1-18 In the introduction to the new evening series ‘Faith that Works’, Karl introduces us to the book of James. The first chapter explains our joy-filled purpose in the trials of life, the generous gift of wisdom that God can bestow upon us, and the process by which we are tempted.

Feeding of the Four Thousand and the Leaven of the Pharisees

Mark 8:11-21 Karl brings us the Word this Sunday – describing how Jesus fed the four-thousand, and taught His disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees. Through these passages, Jesus teaches us to be aware of the permeating power of sin. In contrast to this, He displays His superabundant provision in all of life.