Sermons by John Spranklin
John Spranklin
Responding to grace
Romans 9:30-10:21 If God has taken the initiative in bringing salvation by grace, through faith, in Christ, how should we respond to God’s sovereign, electing grace? Beginning with Israel’s wrong response, the Apostle Paul encourages us to both believe and to proclaim the gospel message.
Dealing with Deception
2 John 1-13 As it did in the first century, false teaching poses a real threat to Christians today. In his letter, the Apostle John warns us to be alert to this, and gives us the tools to deal with attempts to deceive God’s people.
Aquila & Priscilla – Discerning Discipleship
Acts 18 Aquila and Priscilla play a vital role in the discipleship and ministry journey of Apollos. Their decision to gently and humbly correct the inadequacies of his teaching meant that he was mobilised for further gospel ministry and greater impact for the kingdom of God, and it is an example we can all learn from.
Lydia – Gospel Hospitality
Acts 16:11-40 As the gospel comes to Philippi, it immediately takes a hold of the life of Lydia, one outworking of which is her gospel-driven hospitality. Just as her hospitality is able to bless both the missionary team and her local church, so our own gospel hospitality has the potential to bless others and to enable gospel progress in various ways.
Barnabas – Son of Encouragement
Acts 4:32-37 & 11:22-26 There is something uniquely powerful in examining the life of a person who embodies a great idea. Barnabas plays a unique role in the early church, especially by being a source of encouragement to others. We see him this exemplify this throughout the Book of Acts in various contexts, in various ways, and with great impact on the progress of the gospel.
God’s wisdom on work
Proverbs 10:4-5 & 24:30-34 Our work takes up so much of our lives, and for many of us is a significant part of our sense of identity. Work can be incredibly fulfilling, but also intensely frustrating. Come with us to the Book of Proverbs as we discover God’s wisdom on work, and as we consider the place it should have in our lives as followers of Jesus.
Covenant blessings and curses
Deuteronomy 26:1-29:1 Having spelled out the stipulations of the covenant between Israel and God, Moses now outlines the consequences of their adherence, or non-adherence to the law. Life in the Promised Land ought to be one of blessing and flourishing, but it could go very badly if they fail to fulfill their covenant obligations. Praise God that Christ has taken the curse of sin from us, by faith in his death for us.
A life well lived
Proverbs 31 Proverbs 31 presents to us a picture, not only of a strong woman and excellent wife, but an idealised example of wisdom lived out and applied in daily life. We are being wooed away from a life of folly and to a life of wisdom. We are called to marry wisdom – holding her tight and allowing her to shape every part of our lives, and ultimately allowing her to point us to our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Beginning of Wisdom
Proverbs 1:1-7 So many situations in life are not simply a matter of right and wrong. There is grey in between the black and white. We need wisdom to live well in God’s world. The Book of Proverbs offers us this wisdom from God, and tells us that true wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord.
Confidence about our future
1 Corinthians 15 By the empty tomb, God declares loudly and eternally his great triumph over sin and death and Satan! Jesus’ resurrection is the proof of everything that his death had achieved. It gives us certainty about our future, that we who have trusted Christ will also be resurrected to eternal life. Knowing this should radically transform our lives between now and then.