Sermons by Guest Speaker (Page 8)
Guest Speaker
Pauline Otte: Life Without Mirrors
Recorded at Women of Purpose 2015: How does the Cross answer our big questions: Who am I? How am I feeling? Does it matter anyway? In a culture continually calling us to look at ourselves, the Cross calls us to shift our gaze to find our true story.
Fiona Millar: Enter Freedom
Recorded at Women of Purpose 2015: Christ calls us to live in freedom as we sacrifice and serve one another. This elective will look at how we can live abundantly for others and shift beyond self-condemnation, martyrdom and resentment.
Panel: Living Significance
Recorded at Women of Purpose 2015: Women spend a lot of time thinking about what we should be doing: Which role? What takes priority? A panel of women with jobs, children and Christian ministry callings (or all three) share.
Robyn Bain: Look! (Part 3)
What are you really looking at? What informs your perspective, your identity, your being? God calls us to shift our gaze and enter His story. Join us as Robyn Bain helps us to enter the transforming story of Jesus and His Passion from the Gospel of Mark. (Part 3)
Panel: Enter Joy
Recorded at Women of Purpose 2015: We all struggle to spend regular time with God. Daily hassles and discouragement overwhelm us. How do we shift beyond these to make space for God? A panel of women will share how they offer time and welcome to an amazing God.
Robyn Bain: The Moment Is Here (Part 2)
What are you really looking at? What informs your perspective, your identity, your being? God calls us to shift our gaze and enter His story. Join us as Robyn Bain helps us to enter the transforming story of Jesus and His Passion from the Gospel of Mark. (Part 2)
Robyn Bain: The Clock Is Ticking (Part 1)
What are you really looking at? What informs your perspective, your identity, your being? God calls us to shift our gaze and enter His story. Join us as Robyn Bain helps us to enter the transforming story of Jesus and His Passion from the Gospel of Mark. (Part 1)