Sermons by Guest Speaker (Page 6)
Guest Speaker
Peter Francis: Developing a fruitful faith
In these opening words of Peter’s second letter he is concerned to remind believers about the importance of having a growing and fruitful faith. Here Peter seems to draw our attention to three key things which will keep us growing in our faith: (1) Remembering the Foundations of our Faith; (2) Fostering the Fruit of our Faith and (3) Remembering the Future of our Faith.
Andrew Prince: God owes you no favours
Christians are to obey everything God has commanded in Scripture, and yet when they do they are simply doing their duty rather than something particularly commendable or worthy of reward.
David Lamont: Is life fair? Is God fair?
Jesus is confronted with unjust suffering and death caused by an evil tyrant. He addresses unjust suffering and death caused not just by people, but by natural disasters, and then issues a surprising challenge and gives a parable that illustrates the real issues from a divine perspective.
Greg Beaumont: Comfort in suffering
Suffering is really hard! But one of the challenges that can face Christian’s when suffering happens is their expectations. Should Christians expect suffering in their life? The Scriptures give a resounding ‘yes’! But even if our expectations are right, suffering is still difficult and painful and causes us at times to doubt God’s love, sovereignty and justice. In tonight’s passage our expectations of suffering are affirmed but we are also comforted by Paul as he gives purpose to the Christian’s suffering, affirms God’s justice in suffering, and points us to how the name of Jesus is glorified in our patient endurance of suffering.
Andrew Prince: Have a heart
Authentic Christianity sacrificially serves others.
Mike Seaton: Dying to live
Jesus has done everything we need to be saved and we can not be saved by any good works that we do. How then do we reply to the statement, “It doesn’t matter if I sin because God will forgive me and he gets to show his grace more?” This passage deals with this question and looks at the implications for the Christian to be united with Christ, particularly united in his death and resurrection.
Greg Beaumont: Walk in Truth and Love
It shouldn’t surprise Christians that there are so many false teachers around. Jesus predicted it and many of the NT letters confirm his prediction. But what is the church to do in the face of false teachers? 2 John gives instructions to a church facing the imminent arrival of false teachers. John tells the church that they are to walk in truth and love! This means, firstly, that they are to lovingly watch themselves and each other to ensure that no one is deceived by false teaching and loses their reward. And secondly, that they are to be careful who they welcome into the church so that the precious truths of who Jesus is and what he has done can be preserved and treasured.
Peter Francis: Sharing the Missional Heart of God
What does it take to truly share the Missional Heart of God? A willingness to: (1) pray (2) be led (3) to serve & (4) to share the Gospel.
Peter Francis: Praying The Missional Heart Of God
Long before Jesus gave the ‘Great Commission’ he taught his disciples to pray the ‘Great Petition’, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done.” Such a prayer will always compel us to become shares in the mission of God in this world.
Bill Colyer: More Joy!
Often it seems that joy is hard to find and harder to keep. God invites us to a joy that thrives in hard places! What gives this kind of joy?
Alistair Begg: Living as God’s Chosen and Beloved People
Guest speaker Alistair Begg unpacks Colossians 3, teaching us how to live with one another as God’s chosen and beloved people.
Khai Tan: Are your good deeds good enough?
We often think of ourselves as good people. Yet, we often fail. We feel bad. Most religions tell us to do better next time. We hope that our own efforts will give us credit before God. The Bible teaches us the exact opposite. In this passage, Paul uses his own life to show the foolishness of relying on our own merits to gain God’s favour. Jesus, the Son of God is the only perfect person ever lived. And He wants to OFFER YOU PERFECTION and a NEW LIFE if you follow Him. No more trying on your own. No more shame. No more guilt. What’s your response today?