Matthew 16:13-28 Examining what it means to “deny ourselves” and what it means to “take up our cross” to follow Jesus. This is call to lay it all on the line for Jesus’s sake.
Luke 19:28-44 As Jesus approached Jerusalem riding on a young donkey, the crowd of excited pilgrims and disciples shouted praises to God. It was as if they were welcoming a royal procession. But will they recognise Jesus as the righteous and victorious King?
Luke 9:51-10:4 Discipleship calls for single-minded clarity, and is to be lived out in a world that hates and opposes you, but can be lived confidently because we are children of God’s grace and eternal salvation.
Philippians 1:12-30 Paul’s focus on the gospel gave him a completely different perspective even though he was in prison in chains. Sharing Paul’s heart ‘to live is Christ and to die is gain’ will enable us to share his focus for the world.