Unlike some of the other teachers of his day, Jesus was less interested in the number of followers he had, and was more interested in the heart of his followers. Jesus told his followers to count the cost of following him (Lk 14:25-35) and here in Johns 15 and 16 teaches that his followers would be hated, persecuted, even killed. Listen as Pastor Dave looks at why Jesus followers will be hated because of their association with Jesus.
If you could pass on one thing to the next generation what would it be? The reality is there is so much that we could pass on to the next generation. But what are the key things, the important things that matter to us, that we feel should be passed on? Listen as Pastor Dave looks at Psalm 78:1-8 on passing on what is important to the next generation.
This time of year brings with it the chance to sit down and plan the year ahead. Most of us who are planners may have already done this exercise for 2015 and beyond. The bible tells us it is wise and proper to make plans, but that we must do so with a proper biblical understanding of time, and with the right perspective in mind. Listen as Pastor Dave shares from James 4 about how we can plan properly in 2015.