Individual Message (Page 5)
Individual Message
Joshua 1:1-9
Love not the world
1 John 2:15-17
Conversations with Jesus
John 5:1-16 God pursues the hopeless and helpless. By believing in Jesus are made new for all eternity.
The goal of our instruction
1 Timothy 1:1-17 The centrality of love and the necessity of the gospel for preserving love.
Start off 2021 on the right foot
Matthew 22:37-40 Colossians 3:1-4 Joshua 24:15
Desperate Faith
Luke 8:40-56 The story of Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead and healing the sick woman teaches us that Jesus has authority over sickness and death. It calls us to reflect on our own weakness and mortality and to come to Jesus with desperate faith. We believe that Jesus has power to heal in this life, and even more importantly, that he has the power to give us eternal life.
Born is the King
Matthew 2:1-12 That first Christmas, a king was born. And he’s still king today. As we take a closer look at the way that Herod, the wise men and the religious leaders respond to the birth of Jesus we’re led to ask “which of these characters am I most like?” How do you respond to King Jesus?
True Confidence
Philippians 3:1-11 We are accepted by God through faith in Jesus rather than through faith in our own performance.
Giving God your Full Attention
Hebrews 1:1-2:4 In these last days God has spoken to us by his Son – the one who is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being. This is utterly remarkable that God would reveal himself to us to this extent. If we are to hold on to our salvation, and not drift, we must give God our full attention, never losing sight of the grandeur of Jesus and the wonder and goodness of the gospel.
God’s personal invitation
Matthew 22:1-14 Everyone loves a good wedding … or do they? It seems not, especially when it comes to the heavenly wedding banquet God has planned. The parable Jesus told about this wedding reveals three particular responses to God’s invitation. Some are outright rejecters. Some are grateful (if undeserving) accepters. Others are self-righteous impostors. The invitation is clear and very gracious, but we must all respond personally. What is your response?
The Worthy Pastor
1 Peter 5:1-4 Churches need godly leaders, especially when times are tough. But what makes a good pastor or elder? What should we look for when choosing our leaders? The words of the old apostle Peter in today’s passage are urgently necessary for us today … men who understand their calling to spiritually shepherd God’s people, men whose character and motives are pure, and men who are not seeking earthly recognition or reward. May God in His kindness raise up…
Sermon on Lamentations
Lamentations 3