Sermons on Revelation

Sermons on Revelation


Longing for Home – the Hope of Heaven

Revelation 21:1-7 Except for the most hard-bitten atheists, most people still hold to some view of an after-life. Often at non-Christian funerals reference will be made to the departed one smiling down on us and enjoying some vague new state of existence. But for the Christian, heaven is the promised destiny of all God’s redeemed people. While the Bible doesn’t teach us everything about heaven, there is much that it does. In this message Pastor Murray gives us a glimpse…

Differing views about the end times (part 2)

Revelation 20:1-10 The end times have always been a source of speculation and debate among Christians, and no more so than how we understand (a) the role of Israel and (b) the question of the 1000 year millennial reign of Christ in the last days. For some Christians these subjects barely make it onto their radar, while for others they demand compulsive attention. In this message Pastor Murray gives us a balanced overview of the main positions adopted by evangelicals,…

Differing views about the end times (part 1)

While no serious believer doubts the fact of Christ’s return, many will have differing views on the events and key people who will play important roles in the lead up to that day. Today we look in greater detail at some of these: tribulations, antichrists, the beast, Armageddon and apostasy in the church. And what do we make of the so-called ‘Great Tribulation’ and ‘the Antichrist’? Perhaps this message will help clarify for you what the Bible says about these…

Affluent, Comfortable and Destitute – the church at Laodicea

Churches come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are growing, some are not. Some are alive, some are dead. Some are healthy, some are not. But whatever we may think about our churches, there is one opinion that does matter, and that’s what Jesus thinks. The church at Laodicea gave every appearance of being a successful church but what Jesus said was devastating. In this message Pastor Murray looks more closely at Jesus’ diagnosis and the warnings it contains…

Small, weak and faithful – the church at Philadelphia

With so much attention these days on mega-churches, it’s easy to forget that the vast majority of churches around the world are actually quite small, and many of them are actually struggling for existence from week to week (like the church at Philadelphia). In today’s passage we see what Christ has to say to these dear people, and His words are filled with love and encouragement. It is a clear reminder that ‘church’ is not all about size, numbers, budgets…