Sermons on Matthew (Page 6)
Jesus is Immanuel
The Christmas story reminds us that Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. Listen as we consider the implications of this reality for our lives.
The greatest treasure
Is there a treasure so valuable that it is worth us giving up everything to gain it? Jesus says “Yes!” The kingdom of heaven is a treasure of incalculable value. The question for us is not how valuable the kingdom is, but whether we are willing to give up everything to gain it.
Peter Francis: Praying The Missional Heart Of God
Long before Jesus gave the ‘Great Commission’ he taught his disciples to pray the ‘Great Petition’, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done.” Such a prayer will always compel us to become shares in the mission of God in this world.
Having an impact on the world
During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches that Christians are called to have an impact on the world by being salt and light. Listen as we consider these two metaphors, and what it means for us to be salt and light in the world in our daily lives.
What it means to follow Jesus
These days there are hidden costs on just about everything. Sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what we are signing up for. Thankfully following Jesus doesn’t come with hidden costs. Jesus was always up front about the cost. Listen as Pastor Dave examines what it means for us to follow Jesus and why it is worth the cost.
The wise way to celebrate Christmas
Perhaps the most fascinating part of the Christmas story is the journey of the wise men to find, then worship, the baby Jesus. For hundreds, if not thousands, of kilometres they followed a star all the way to Jerusalem, then to Bethlehem, in their relentless quest. Three things stand out: the diligence of their search, their unquestioning belief in the Old Testament prophecy about the birthplace of the Messiah, and their humble worship of this baby born to a very ordinary peasant couple. No wonder we refer to them as “wise men”. Their wisdom led them to Jesus. On this Christmas Day 2015 are we wise enough to look for, believe in, and worship Jesus too?
Joseph’s great discovery
The story of Christmas focusses strongly on the baby Jesus, Mary, the shepherds and the wise men, but what do we make of Joseph? Often he is seen as a support player in the narrative. But is that all? In today’s message Pastor Murray takes a closer look at this intriguing man – his background, the dilemma he faced on learning about Mary’s pregnancy, and the wonderful discovery he made when he realised the true identity of the baby… God with us (Immanuel)… Jesus, the One who saves us from our sins. Joseph, along with Mary, came to believe in Jesus. Have you? Surely this is the best reason to celebrate Christmas!
Graham Sercombe: Parable of the Sower
Guest Speaker Graham Sercombe shares from this challenging passage.
Work while you wait – How Christians should wait for Jesus return
How should Christians wait for Jesus to return? Jesus taught his disciples that we should work, while we wait. He has given us responsibilities and opportunities to serve him while we wait. Listen as Pastor Dave shares from Matthew 25:14-30 and provides seven stewardship lessons for those waiting for Jesus to return.
The Great Commandment
Tune in as Pastor Dave shares about The Great Commandment.
Being Content In A Money-driven World
Jesus always called His followers to resist the temptation to passively conform to the lifestyle and values of the culture in which we live. This peer pressure is no more apparent than in the area of consumerism and materialism. In an age of science, reason and skepticism, it’s not cool to believe in a God you cannot see and touch. So modern man has substituted the God of the Bible with the god of money (and the possessions and comforts that money can buy). Jesus powerfully shows how pathetically futile it is to worship and serve this god, who never ultimately delivers. How much better it is to reject the lure of “things”, and find our contentment in the One who knows our needs and fully provides for those who trust in Him.
The Rich Young Ruler
Tune in as Pastor Dave takes us through the implications of this encounter.