Sermons on Exodus (Page 2)

Sermons on Exodus (Page 2)


The danger of resisting God

Is God relevant in the 21st century? Does He have any power? Should we fear Him? Should we take any notice of what He says in the Bible? These questions are extremely relevant today because if the answer is “NO” then Christianity is a waste of time. On the other hand, if the answer is “YES”, that has huge implications. Pharaoh tried to brush God off …. over and over again as God sent one plague after another. Every encounter ended badly for Pharaoh and his people. Yet his pride and stubbornness refused to admit defeat, and his heart became increasingly hardened. This was not so much a battle with Moses but a battle with the one true God, Yahweh. Still today this God is real and very powerful, and he will one day judge us all. Beware the sinful, unbelieving heart.

Dealing with disappointment

All of us experience disappointment in life. Tonight’s passage helps us think about how Christians can understand, express and move past the disappointments that they encounter.

God revealed

Revelation changes the way we view things. Let us consider how God’s revelation of himself changes the way we view our identity, our problems and our future.

The rescuer

Listen as we meet Moses, Israel’s imperfect rescuer, who points us forward to our perfect rescuer, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Refugees to slaves

As we begin the story of Exodus, we encounter three themes which set the scene for the rest of the story: God’s promises, Pharaoh’s opposition, and Israel’s pain. These themes help us understand how the story of Exodus has become the story for all Christians.

The Struggle To Obey When God Calls

What are your plans for the future? Your career … your finances … your family etc.? According to tonight’s passage, careful planning has its limits, because God may have other ideas. Moses was in a comfortable groove, but God called him to take on a totally unexpected and scary challenge. Moses tried one excuse after another, till finally in desperation he said to God: “…please send someone else to do it”. But God wasn’t interested in his excuses. In so many ways we can be just like Moses when God comes calling. We convince ourselves that He is wrong and our plans are better. But when God calls, He also provides all we need to do the job He is asking. What is God asking of you today? Are you ready, willing and available?

Glory And Beauty

Tune in as Pastor Joe from Rosalie Baptist shares about Gods love for beauty and how it can be displayed in our churches.
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