Welcome to the City North Baptist sermon archive! We offer most sermons online within a week of the message being given.
Gillian Asquith: Are You A Cats Cradle Christian
Women of Purpose 2014 – Afternoon Keynote Session
The Christian life is like a race – the training can be tough, and we can easily become entangled as we struggle on. But we run by faith, with our eyes fixed on Christ, in the reality of the eternal hope that we possess.
Recorded live at City North Baptist Church.
Gillian Asquith: Better In Every Way
Women of Purpose 2014 – Morning Keynote Session
The writer of Hebrews encourages believers to “draw near (to God) with a true heart in full assurance of faith” (10:22). However in the Old Testament, worshippers could never approach God without the priest offering blood sacrifices on their behalf. How can it be possible to approach God just as we are? Because Jesus is better in every way.
Recorded live at City North Baptist Church.