Welcome to the City North Baptist sermon archive! We offer most sermons online within a week of the message being given.
Answering The Call
God has a plan to make things right in this world. As we begin our new series, “God’s master plan” we meet the man with whom that plan began, Abram. As we look at Abram’s call, his obedient response and ongoing faith, we are forced to ask ourselves how we will respond to the call of God.
Entering God’s Rest
Following on from last week, the writer focuses on the theme of “God’s rest.” He wants us to examine the state of our hearts as we consider the nature of this rest and the way in which we enter into it.
Beware the Hardened Heart
The Christian life is a journey that begins with an “exodus” (salvation) and leads to an “entry” (heaven), and so much can happen in between. Today’s passage sounds a sober warning of the dangers every believer faces on this journey. Just as the Israelites grumbled against God and turned away from Him in the desert on the way to the Promised Land, we can also start to doubt God when things don’t go our way in life. Before long our hearts become hardened towards Him, and rebellion and disobedience soon follow. But this doesn’t have to be the case if we heed the advice we find in this great passage!
Reclaiming Love Wrap Up: Q&A Session
Christ has given us new life and relationships are the primary context in which we live out this new life. As we wrap up our “Reclaiming Love” series, let us consider why it is so important to express, in our relationships, who we are and what we have in Christ.
Includes Q&A Panel Session
Why Hold Fast To Jesus?
Have you ever had a crisis of faith? For whatever reason, you’ve found yourself questioning your beliefs. The words of songs like “Jesus is all I need” somehow don’t ring true. The writer of Hebrews had people like this in mind when he wrote these words, particularly those who felt like giving up and turning back to their old Jewish ways. But Jesus really IS better …. so keep your keep fixing your thoughts on Jesus …. keep holding fast to Him. Through all the struggles of life Jesus is the faithful, dependable One. Don’t let go of Him. Keep persevering in your faith. He won’t let you down.
Knowing The “Right One”
While the prospect of marriage is usually very exciting, being sure about whether to propose or accept a proposal can cause a lot of anxiety. Can you really know when you’ve found the “right one”? What qualities should you be looking for? What pitfalls should you avoid? Is there a process you can follow? And where does God fit into all of this? In this message Pastor Murray shares very practically from his years of experience in dealing with young adults and preparing them for marriage.
Jesus Redeems
Jesus is our great rescuer! He came down into our situation in order that he might lift us out of it. He did what we were powerless to do, he saved us from the slavery to sin and death. He is our great high priest. Listen as Pastor Dave looks at why Jesus both redeems and transforms our humanity.
Christian Marriage
Listen as Pastor Dave explores the topic – What is Christian Marriage?