Sermon Archive (Page 31)

Sermon Archive (Page 31)

Welcome to the City North Baptist sermon archive! We offer most sermons online within a week of the message being given.

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Motives and Methods of Gospel Ministry

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 The credibility of Christians in Australia is being seriously challenged today, and this is causing churches and gospel-centred ministries to defend themselves. In our passage today Paul defends himself against attacks which were being made against him and his team. In particular he reassures the believers at Thessalonica that his motives are pure, and his methods are driven by a genuine love for them. There is absolutely no room for hypocrisy in genuine gospel ministry. I wonder…

How the Gospel Makes Christians

1 Thessalonians 1:4-10 As Paul continues to give thanks for the Thessalonians, he recalls the circumstances of their conversion. As we learn what the gospel did in them, we are forced to ask ourselves, “what difference has the gospel made in my life?” How the Gospel Makes Christians – Michael Howell 19 April 2020 from City North Baptist Church on Vimeo.

He is Risen!

Luke 24:1-12 The truth of the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus changes everything! It makes all the difference for our salvation, for our ongoing relationship to our living Saviour and for his continued mission in the world as this incredible good news is proclaimed to all the earth. He is Risen! – Pastor John Spranklin from City North Baptist Church on Vimeo.

Jesus – the perfect sacrifice

Hebrews 10:1-18 Like many religions still today, the ancient Israelites showed remorse for their sins by approaching God through a complex system of animal sacrifices. Year after year they sacrificed an animal at the temple to symbolise their repentance. But this was a never-ending ritual that could never truly expunge their sin. What was needed was a perfect sacrifice. Finally God provided that sacrifice Himself by sending His sinless Son, Jesus, who willingly gave Himself for us on the cross.…

The Way, Truth, and Life

John 14:1-6 Life can sometimes throw us into a spin. When this happens, how do we avoid getting dizzy? We need to fix our eyes on something steady and sure. Easter gives us a chance to do that, as we look again to the One who has defeated sin and death. In this message, we’ll think about something Jesus said just before He died. We’ll be reminded to fix our eyes on the One who is the Way, the Truth…

Faithful to the End

2 Peter 3:1-14 Today’s message marks the end of our 8-part series on the end times. We are currently in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are disorientated by the speed with which our way of life has been turned upside down. All over the world people are isolated, anxious and fearful. Could this be a foretaste of life in the end times? While cannot escape much of the chaos around us, the strategy given in our passage today…

Longing for Home – the Hope of Heaven

Revelation 21:1-7 Except for the most hard-bitten atheists, most people still hold to some view of an after-life. Often at non-Christian funerals reference will be made to the departed one smiling down on us and enjoying some vague new state of existence. But for the Christian, heaven is the promised destiny of all God’s redeemed people. While the Bible doesn’t teach us everything about heaven, there is much that it does. In this message Pastor Murray gives us a glimpse…

The Church

1 Thessalonians 1:1-3 We begin our new series in 1 Thessalonians by thinking about the church. What is the church? These verses remind us that the church is the local, gathered people of God, alive in Christ and marked by three essential Christian traits – faith, love and hope.

Jonah’s problem with God

Jonah 4:1-11 Throughout the book of Jonah we encounter a troubled man. And even after God had spared his life and his “successful” ministry to Nineveh, he is still angry with God. But why? In this message we take an honest look into the heart of this reluctant prophet and see the selfish biases that made him so miserable. Ultimately he had a wrong view of God. He wanted judgement on the Ninevites (which Jonah himself deserved) but mercy for…

Death, Resurrection, Eternal Life

It’s not surprising that death is a bit of a taboo subject in our culture. It’s not easy to talk about. But we must. How should we view death as Christians? And what happens when I die? These are the questions we’ll ask of the Bible in this message as we continue our Facing the Future series.