Sermon Archive (Page 28)

Sermon Archive (Page 28)

Welcome to the City North Baptist sermon archive! We offer most sermons online within a week of the message being given.

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The Worthy Pastor

1 Peter 5:1-4 Churches need godly leaders, especially when times are tough. But what makes a good pastor or elder? What should we look for when choosing our leaders? The words of the old apostle Peter in today’s passage are urgently necessary for us today … men who understand their calling to spiritually shepherd God’s people, men whose character and motives are pure, and men who are not seeking earthly recognition or reward. May God in His kindness raise up…

In the Light

Ephesians 5:3-14In Christ, we have been transformed from darkness to light and we are called to live as children of light – putting off immorality and impurity, and instead, living lives characterised by goodness, righteousness and truth.

Fellowship in Christ

We are the temple of God, the body of Christ and the bride of Christ. Listen as we explore these pictures of fellowship from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, thinking about what they teach us about our priorities as a church. Who we are together ought to shape the way we live together as those whom God has called into fellowship with one another in Christ.

New Speech

Ephesians 4:25-5:2 Being made new in Christ will shape the way we speak. Listen as we dive into Ephesians 4, where Paul challenges us to be a people who speak in a way that strengthens, helps and heals the body.

Persevering in Christ

Hebrews 12:1-13 Trials and troubles are a normal part of the Christian life. We should expect them. In fact, they are good for us! Really? In today’s message we explore how we are to persevere through our pain as we press on in Christ. But we also wrestle with the question of why God allows us to go through difficulties in our lives. Ultimately His goal is “that we may share in His holiness”. Be encouraged as Pastor Murray also…

Crucified with Christ

2 Corinthians 5:11 – 6:1 “Come to Jesus and find the good life”! Well …. that depends what you mean? For the apostle Paul, his whole life revolved around two great realities: Christ’s death for him on the cross and the desperate need to reach lost people with the gospel. With these clear in his mind, he gave himself totally to Christ, regardless of the cost. He discovered what it meant to be crucified with Christ, take up his cross…

Empowered Through Christ

Romans 8:1-13, Galatians 5:13-26 The work of Christ on the cross transforms the believer, from death to life, from dark to light. But this transformation must then be lived out day by day, as we seek to go the distance in the Christian life. God’s Holy Spirit transforms our sinful desires and empowers us to live transformed lives as we cooperate with his work in our lives.

My help, my hope

Psalm 146 The Book of Psalms ends with several songs of praise, reminding us that the praise of God is, ultimately, the reason we were created. One of these songs, Psalm 146, reminds us that in order to live a life of praise we need to have a much more realistic view of human beings and a much bigger view of God.

Transformed through Christ

1 Peter 1:13 – 2:3 If you are a Christian, are you a growing Christian? No matter how old we may be, God wants us to be continually growing in holiness. But spiritual change requires spiritual means. Firstly it begins as we are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. Only God can do this for us. But secondly, we need to keep feeding our souls on the living word of God. The Bible is our spiritual food like milk…

The Self-Revealing God

Psalm 19 Can we really know God? Psalm 19 says that we can, not by our own initiative, but because God reveals himself to us. He does this in creation and in his Word. Jesus comes as the pinnacle of God’s revelation of himself, and also as the model servant who responds to the God who creates and redeems.

Satisfied in Christ

John 4:1-15 There is a hole in every human heart which only God can fill. The woman in today’s passage was desperately longing to have that hole filled. Her longing for love had led her into serial marriages and other relationships which only left her empty and rejected. That day Jesus offered to quench her spiritual thirst with “living water”. Our world is full of people like this. Some realize that their lives are empty. Others don’t. Some are trying…

A personal relationship

Psalm 63 What does it mean for us to have a personal relationship with God? In Psalm 63 we hear David express his thirst for God, his delight in God and his confidence in God. Through Christ, we can experience, express and enjoy our relationship with God in the same kind of way.