Welcome to the City North Baptist sermon archive! We offer most sermons online within a week of the message being given.
Judges 8:29-9:57
No Excuse!
Romans 2:1-29 Having established the universal need for the gospel at the end of chapter 1, Paul now addresses the self-righteous religious types in his readership, reminding them of the impartiality of God’s judgement. Like everyone else, the fundamental need even of morally ‘clean’ people, is repent of their sins and allow the Spirit of God to do his work of regeneration in us as we believe the gospel.
A Mighty Warrior?
Judges 6-8 We can learn from Gideon’s story at two levels. When we look at Gideon the warrior, we see how God taught this weak man lessons about God’s presence, promises and power, before using him to deliver God’s people. But when we look at Gideon the worshipper, we see a man who failed miserably, leading God’s people to worship foreign gods rather than the one true God. From here, things only get worse for God’s people.
Will Israel’s deliverer please stand up?
Judges 4-5 In most cases in the Book of Judges, when Israel needs rescuing from their enemies, the LORD raises up a judge to deliver them. Uniquely in Judges 4-5, we see Deborah, Barak and Jael all play a part in overcoming the Canaanites. We’re left asking, who is the real deliverer of Israel? And who should get the honour for the victory. AS in our salvation in Christ, the honour should not go to a human deliverer, but to…
Worshiping created things
Romans 1:18-32 Why does every single human being need to put their trust in Jesus? In Romans 1-3, Paul answers this question. He proves that true righteousness can only come through faith in Christ. Today we look at part one of his argument – the messed up state of our world is proof that we have suppressed the truth about God and that he is angry at sin.
The right(?) man for the job
Judges 3:12-30 The story of Ehud is designed to make us laugh, especially at the cartoonish king of Moab, Eglon. And yet even as we laugh, we’re also forced to think, about our greatest problem, our unlikely deliverer and our mighty God, who laughs at those who stand opposed to him (Ps. 2:4)
Comprehensive Gospel Eagerness
Romans 1:8-17 Paul rejoices in the faith of the Roman Christians and he is eager to get to Rome to share the gospel – both for the encouragement and strengthening of the Christians there, and for the salvation of all who would believe. We must ask ourselves, also, are our lives characterised by comprehensive gospel eagerness?