Sermon Archive (Page 21)

Sermon Archive (Page 21)

Welcome to the City North Baptist sermon archive! We offer most sermons online within a week of the message being given.

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God’s Great Triumph

Esther 8-10 The final chapters of the Book of Esther record a great reversal in fortunes for the Jewish people – events which are celebrated to this day in the Jewish festival of Purim. The Unseen God comes through to miraculously deliver his people. But in Christ, God has both made himself visible and intervened in history to deliver us, and God’s great triumph through Christ is to be celebrated eternally!

Glorifying God at work

1 Peter 2:18-25 There are, of course, vast differences between the situation of a slave in the first century and our own, but as we consider these words from the Apostle Peter to Christian slaves, we can learn much about living godly lives in the workplace. In Christ’s death, we have both an example and the transforming power to live such lives.

Living as Free Slaves

1 Peter 2:11-17 As we deal with the relationship between the Christian and human authorities, we see three ways being a follower of Jesus requires us to live differently in amongst a world that doesn’t share our values.

Where is God in all this mess?

Esther 1-3 The Book of Esther is a simple story of how a Jewish girl became Queen of Persia and saved God’s people from a plot to destroy them. But it is so much more! It introduces us to a chaotic and challenging world of self-interest, manipulation and moral ambiguity – a world, not unlike our own. Now, as then, we must ask, where is God in all the mess?

A glorious new purpose

1 Peter 2:4-10 In these verses Peter reminds us that we are part of God’s glorious new temple built on Christ, the Cornerstone. We have a glorious new identity and glorious new purpose.

An imperishable seed

1 Peter 1:22-2:3 Here, Peter outlines three key characteristics that those who have new life in Christ possess.

The Believer’s Celebration

Romans 8:31-39 Having uncovered so much precious treasure as we have journeyed through Romans 1-8, Paul asks us “what, then, shall we say in response to these things?” Let us celebrate the wonderful privileges which belong to those who are in Christ. Who can be against us? Who can condemn us? Who can separate us from God’s love? No one!

The Sojourner’s Life

1 Peter 1:13-21 Having already outlined who we are in Christ and where we’re going, Peter describes what ought to characterise our Christian lives as sojourners in this world. We are to live lives marked by hope, holiness and reverent fear.