Welcome to the City North Baptist sermon archive! We offer most sermons online within a week of the message being given.
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Deuteronomy 1-3 The opening chapters of Deuteronomy are essentially a history lesson. Moses helps the people look back to learn that God is both faithful to his promises and able to fulfill them. If the people are to succeed where their ancestors failed, they must trust him
Acts 16 How did God get your attention and show you that you needed Jesus? For the Philippian gaoler, it required an earthquake! As we celebrate baptisms together, let us consider how his story can encourage and challenge us.
In the Name of Jesus
Acts 3:1-10 As we begin another year of ministry as a church family, it is good to be reminded of the power and authority of Jesus’ name. It is by his strength and in his name that we serve each other and our world.
Gospel Thankfulness
Colossians 1:1-14 Paul’s prayer for the Colossian church is one of overwhelming thankfulness. He prays for their faith to be growing, and that they would be joyfully thankful because of what God has done for them in Christ. We too can be thankful for these things, whatever our circumstances, and we would do well to emulate the rich prayers of Paul as we pray for each other.
2 Thessalonians 1:3-12 A prayer for perseverance and faith in the face of trials
Philippians 1:3-11 Praying for each other: 1. The tone of Paul’s prayer: Gratitude, joy and confidence (3-6)2. The heart of Paul’s prayer: Deep love for the Philippians (7-8)3. The content of Paul’s prayer: Love informed by knowledge (9), Blamelessness (10), A harvest of godly action (11)
1 Peter 3:8-12
The slave is our brother
Philemon The weary world rejoices, for in being reconciled to God in Christ, we are also reconciled to one another in Christ, so sharing in mutual fellowship with all those who belong to Christ, no matter how different they are or appear to be.
His Law is Love
1 John 3 In this passage, the apostle John notes three key truth’s about God’s love that are revealed in the Christmas narrative: love was always God’s intention, love is freely gifted, and love is demonstrated to others.
To our weakness is no stranger
Hebrews 4:14-5:3 At so many levels, we live in a weary world. We are all looking for a way out of this situation but our only real hope is in the One who transcends our reality because he lives eternally in heaven. In Christ, God has entered our weary world to redeem it and will one day renew the whole creation. What a glorious hope to rejoice in as we celebrate Christmas!