Welcome to the City North Baptist sermon archive! We offer most sermons online within a week of the message being given.
Joyful Worship
Deuteronomy 12-16 As the nation of Israel prepares to enter the land promised to them by Yahweh, Moses reveals to them various laws for righteous living that they must abide by. While a bit strange at first glance, these laws have much to teach us about worship. Specifically, who we are to worship, where worship takes place, and how we are to worship.
When the going gets tough …
1 Peter 5:5-11 When was the last time you felt some level of ‘persecution’ for your faith? Have you ever? For the recipients of this letter, it was a way of life. So these words from Peter were particularly relevant, challenging and encouraging. As Australia becomes less tolerant of Christians and a Christian viewpoint, we have to learn how to respond in a way that is humble, brave and uncompromising, but thoroughly true to who we are as God’s faithful…
By Grace Alone
Deuteronomy 9:1-11:32 Once in the Promised Land, Israel would be tempted to boast that they had somehow earned the blessings they were experiencing. Moses warns the people against such boasting, reminding them of the ways they have sinned. If they deserve anything, it’s God’s judgement. The land, then, is given by grace. They receive blessing not because of their righteousness, but in spite of their unrighteousness. We are no different. Once dead in our sin, we are now blessed through…
The Christian Leaders we really need
1 Peter 5:1-4 There are all sorts of spiritual gifts, skills and attributes that Christian leaders bring to the task of shepherding God’s flock, but as the church faces increasing opposition, Peter tells us what kind of leaders we really need to help us stand firm in the faith.
1 Peter 4:12-19 As we begin the book of 1 Peter, the apostle writes to persecuted Christians, instructing them how to live lives as “Elect Exiles” in a world that is not their home, encouraging them to live lives that glorify Christ, and that despite their circumstances, the joy and peace of Christ are available.
Warning: Dangers ahead
Deuteronomy 6:10 – 8:20 Living as God’s people in any era has involved hazards and dangers. For the Israelites entering the Promised Land this would be especially so, and Moses warns them in these verses of four particular dangers: forgetfulness (of God, his laws and his goodness to them), compromise (spiritual and moral), fear (of the enemies they would face), and pride (in taking the credit for their achievements). As we live for Christ in these challenging times, let us…
Listen, love and obey
Deuteronomy 4:44-6:9 God has initiated an exclusive covenant relationship with Israel, grounded in his undeserved love for them. Fundamental to Israel’s response to God will be the need for them to listen, to love and to obey. This will shape every aspect of their life of worship and their life as a community together. The same is true for us, this side of the cross.
Always Ready
1 Peter 4:7-11 In light of the fact that “the end of all things is near” (1 Peter 4:7), how should the church live? In these verses, Peter casts a vision of a church that is ready for Jesus to return. A ready church is praying, loving and serving.
Like no other
Deuteronomy 4:1-43 Just as it was for the Israelites, our covenant relationship with God is a stunning privilege! This relationship is wonderfully unique because the Lord our God, who we worship and adore is the one true God. And it is this relationship that transforms both our living and our eternity.
A characteristically Christian response to suffering
1 Peter 3:13-4:6 Suffering as Christians is inevitable, but how we respond, in both word and action, is crucial. Our response should not be characterised by fear of the world, but shaped by Christ – the one who suffered for us to pay for our sins, and the one who reigns and rules and Lord over all.