Welcome to the City North Baptist sermon archive! We offer most sermons online within a week of the message being given.
Responding to grace
Romans 9:30-10:21 If God has taken the initiative in bringing salvation by grace, through faith, in Christ, how should we respond to God’s sovereign, electing grace? Beginning with Israel’s wrong response, the Apostle Paul encourages us to both believe and to proclaim the gospel message.
Walking in Truth
3 John As we explore this short book at the end of the New Testament, we are given insight into the comparison between a life that walks in truth and another that walks in falsehood, and the importance of a Christian community that encourages one another to pursue truth constantly.
Romans 9:1-29, 11:33-36 This passage introduces a tension which the rest of Romans 9-11 seeks to resolve. How are we to reconcile the incredible promises and privileges given to Israel with their present rejection of the Messiah (and yet the Gentiles have received him)? Has God’s word failed? (9:6) Has God rejected his people? (11:1) Is there any future hope for Israel? (11:11) These questions and more are addressed in the chapters to follow, as Paul helps the Roman church…
Dealing with Deception
2 John 1-13 As it did in the first century, false teaching poses a real threat to Christians today. In his letter, the Apostle John warns us to be alert to this, and gives us the tools to deal with attempts to deceive God’s people.
Aquila & Priscilla – Discerning Discipleship
Acts 18 Aquila and Priscilla play a vital role in the discipleship and ministry journey of Apollos. Their decision to gently and humbly correct the inadequacies of his teaching meant that he was mobilised for further gospel ministry and greater impact for the kingdom of God, and it is an example we can all learn from.
Lydia – Gospel Hospitality
Acts 16:11-40 As the gospel comes to Philippi, it immediately takes a hold of the life of Lydia, one outworking of which is her gospel-driven hospitality. Just as her hospitality is able to bless both the missionary team and her local church, so our own gospel hospitality has the potential to bless others and to enable gospel progress in various ways.
Proverbs 30: 1-6
Acts 9, 22 Ananias played a vital role in one of the most significant moments in church history. Today we’ll reflect on what it was that made Ananias just the right guy for this moment.
Pride and Humility
Proverbs 21:4; 22:4; 28:19 The tussle between pride and humility is one that every person walks daily. However, more often than not, the temptation and allure of pride wins the appeal of our hearts. Proverbs helps us understand the nature of our prideful ways, and offers a solution to our struggles: the fear of the Lord.
The Seven
Acts 6:1-7 A problem has arisen in the early church, a problem which has the potential to distract the church and its leaders from the ministry of the word. The choosing of “The Seven” models for us a way for churches to deal with distractions so that it is able to keep doing what God has called it to do.